Quick hits: Diamond Catalog
Band name: Diamond Catalog
Place of origin: Hubbard, Oregon.
Personnel: Lala + Pat.
Upcoming shows: Monday, September 13, at Pehrspace.
What can folks expect from Diamond Catalog at Pehrspace?
We intend to utilize the following BPMs: 104, 138, 160.
Hey, Pat, you’ve played two other Mondays as Sisprum Vish. How and why did you morph into Diamond Catalog?
We formed about 6 months ago because we wanted to have a band called Diamond Catalog that played this sort of music. We used to be a noise band called We.
How would you describe your musical aesthetic to a stranger?
Dance/ noise/ psyche.
What song in your set describes you best and why?
“We Are 138 BPM.” Its one of our only titled songs, but it is also true sometimes.
What are some bands or performers that everyone in Diamond Catalog really likes?
Martial Canterel, Khia, Striborg, classic Ministry, Unkle Funkle, Incapacitants.
How long is your tour?
Two weeks
What cities have the best shows?
Wish I knew
What are you listening to in your tour vehicle?
Lots of Ministry + Esam/Natas.
If you could write a song for Justin Bieber what would it be called and how would it go?
In a realistic situation it would take a couple weeks to answer this.
Is there any music that is not permitted in the tour vehicle?
I’ll know it when I hear it.
Don’t miss this Monday…
Sean Carnage presents
11:45 Diamond Catalog
11:15 Halloween Swim Team
10:45 Vehicle Blues (Chicago)
10:15 Kevin Greenspon
9:45pm ige*timer
with the comedy stylings of Peter Moran
+ DJ Kyle Mabson & DJ JCiocci2000 (of Paperrad)
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
RSVP for the Kevin Greenspon/Vehicle Blues tour
Add SEANCARNAGE,.COM on Facebook for show info as soon as it’s announced
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