Sean Carnage Fridays are back this Friday, April 14
I’m so excited to start a new season of Friday nights at Oracle Tavern!
It’s the best underground music in Los Angeles. Categories be damned. This is it—a music-lover’s dream come true.
This show would not be possible without the support & hustle of Cory Sklar, aka Chaki the Funk Wizard. We love Chaki. (Thank you, my friend.)
Won’t you join us this Friday?
Fri 4.14.23 – Two Crones, Dildox, ACIDTRAIN, DJ Erin Eyesore / co-presented with Chaki
8pm / $10 / 21+
1640 N. Spring, Los Angeles 90012

Design: Godtease
This Friday in L.A.: It takes Two Crones to tango
Dildox surfs the synth wave to Oracle this Friday
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