The “Emotional Pornography” of Mikki & the Mauses

Personnel: “Uh I guess we are Anthony Anzalone (guitar/vocals), Josh Savin (bass), Jeff Lyn (guitar), and Chris Collins (drums). But there is also bunch of weird Japanese kids who sometime play with us and other freaks too.”

What was the first song you wrote that made you go “This band is going to be awesome”?
“Hhhhmmm I guess more then any particular song it was more the energy of playing together we released, as we are all asocial freaks, we finally had a team to play on. Its almost more like music therapy for the world’s most uncomfortable humans or some shit.”

Next show: Tonight, at the Pomona Rib Cookoff at Pehrspace.

The men of Maus

How did you all meet and come together as a band?

How would you describe your style?
Crazy style maybe a cool guy style.

Who are your influences (collectively/individually)?
I (Anthony) am always trying to be uninfluenced, thinking always that there is enough bands that sound like bands that sound like bands. And the idea was really to take the basic band set up—guitar, drums, bass, vocals without effects—and make something that is outside of what you have heard from a band. Well that’s at least my idea… I feel like everyone else just listens to me rant my philosophical treatises on the meta scale of performance and just plays what they want in the end.

One time you played with 40oz. bottles taped to each hand.! Is that the band’s intoxicant of choice?
If I had to say they band had an intoxicant of choice it would have to be freak vibes like kids that are freaks, just freaking out. I mean we essentially play music only for 14-year-old kids, because they need a friend being like, It’s okay that you’re a freak, freak. And all the shows are a mess. I mean I am really tired of people still thinking there is a right way and a wrong way to do stuff. Like that is as gross and animalistic thinking to me as like fighting or raping or some shit.

Tell us about what you have been working on lately.
Fuck a ton of shit. Trying to make this weird video performance of the band just called Mikki Maus, a tape with Vulture and Moment Trigger, a tour in Japan, a release over there, and a release from Teenage Teardrops here. Also were part of art shit at THIS gallery in Highland Park, and another art collective called ZEN MAFIA. Oh and I have my second book coming out soon. We all play in other bands too Vulture, The Trial, Crazy Band. Anything to keep busy as to ignore anxiety and the plight of the human condition.

What’s the best kind of audience?
14-year-olds who feel really uncomfortable about their lives, friends, and social interactions. Especially if they are drunk for the first time or snuck out.

How can people get your music?,… email someone around those places you can probably get something. There is also like a secret 300 songs hidden on the internet that you can download for free if you search around

Any big plans for the new year?
Do what ever we want when ever we want.

What’s going to be cool in 2011 and the decade ahead?
Trash, rawness, the return of humans not being overly self-conscious at all times 14-year-olds.

Listen: Mikki & the Mauses – “Emotional Pornography”

Get more Mikki

See them tonight

Sean Carnage & Kyle Mabson present…

Narwhalz of Sound
Black Light Jim Morrison
Slum Witch
Mikki + the Mauses
Lolly Gesserit (ex Terrors)

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages

Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown

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