Watch the new documentary: XBXRX Short Fast Loud

I’ll update this post with more info tomorrow. Right now, I just want to share what I’ve been working on for the past ten hours!

Let me know what you think, okay?

I just completed this new XBXRX micro-documentary. It contains some footage from the infamous “420” show at Pehrspace (more to come).

Synopsis: The legendary XBXRX is back with a new line-up. Includes interviews with the group: Vice Cooler, Steve Touchstone, Josh Taylor & Kyle Mabson.

Audio recording: Reni Tulsi.

Videography: Timothy Murray, Steven Cano & Sean Carnage.

Produced & edited by Sean Carnage.

XBXRX is playing this Saturday 5/8 at the Glasshouse in Pomona—you know you gotta check that shit out!

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