Watch: Turbo Tookie Fitness

You’ve seen Tookie Binky at shows. She’s not afraid to dance and get into the music.

There’s a reason she looks good.

You might wonder: freewheeler or freak? Now…exercise guru?

Lots of questions.

Tookie has only one: Does puppy have to go potty?

It’s Tookie Time, ladies.



Tookie’s Trouble Treasure Time presents

“Turbo Tookie Fitness”

Directed & edited by Melvin Butel

Starring Tookie Puppy and X, Rie Miyake, & Ellen Phan

Special appearance by Margot “I.E.” Padilla

Camera: Sean Carnage & Mikhai Tran

Featuring music from: Laco$te, 333 Boyz, Knight Rider, Dicso Bunny

Special thanks to the F-haus

Created by Tookie Puppy

Watch a movie about director Melvin Butel’s Dicso Bunny

See Dicso Bunny on Valentine’s Day at Pehrspace

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