Watch: Precious’ moments

Brendan and Liam Morrison are long time Monday night show goers who became my friends, and also collaborators.

We’re all working on L.A.’s Got Talent together. They hatched the idea with Sam Lubicz and Nika Kolodziej. The Morrison bros have a lot of offbeat ideas. They are both kind of quiet. But what they don’t say speaks louder than what they do say…Maybe you know the type?


Here are a selection of videos displaying human emotion in its purest form. I guess you can say these are “precious” moments.

your boys,

Watch Precious’ momentous playlist:

“Ain’t Gonna Pee-Pee My Bed Tonight” – The Kelly Family

Mid-West Freestyle Canoe 2007

Julian Assange “getting down” on the dance floor in Reykjavik

Bizzy Bone on Maury Povich Show

“Bacon is good for me!”

Read Liam Morrison’s thoughts on art & L.A. talent

Read an interview with one of the Morrison bros. old groups

Don’t miss the group’s debut:

Image: Sam Lubicz + Liam Morrison

Sean Carnage presents…

L.A.’s Got Talent: Opening Night

7pm-12am Thursday, August 4, at Sancho Gallery

Featuring CONCERTPAGE covers + new original artwork from: Lou Beach, Kat Harvey, Nika Kolodziej, Sam Lubicz, Kyle H. Mabson, Brendan Morrison, Liam Morrison, Gary Panter, Christopher Payne, Jean-Luc Unger, & Wayne White

Plus friends of CONCERTPAGE: Dalton Blanco, Dagenhart Brown, Kat GenikovAjax Hulce, Albert Ortega, Brooke Rollo, & Ryan Wade.

And a video screening room with previews from Carnage Video, Albert ChangVice CoolerVim CronyXenia Shin, Adam Papagan, more. (Full video program screens 8/13)

“Cobra Snake” will be there.

Featuring live entertainment by

11:15 DJs Sam + Liam

10:45 Precious

10:30 “The Comedic Stylings of Peter Moran”

9:45 SFV Acid

9:30 “The Comedic Stylings of Peter Moran”

9:00 Jon Barba

8:45 “The Comedic Stylings of Peter Moran”

7:45 DJ JCiocci2000

7:30 Leah Peah

7pm DJs Sam + Liam

Starts 7pm / free / all-ages

Sancho—1549 W. Sunset Blvd., in Downtown Echo Park

RSVP for Opening Night

Download & print poster

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