Quick Hits: No Paws

Band name: No Paws

Place of origin: Riverside, California

Personnel: Sam Woods (vocals, synth 1), Miranda DeLeon (synth 2), Rogers DeCoud (drums), Hatii DeLeon (bass guitar)

Upcoming shows: Tonight with Jon Barba, Whitman, Former Ghosts, & Splinter Cake…

No Paws rock electronically at Pehrspace

No Paws has its fair share of  twists and turns, band personnel changes, etc. What keeps you guys going after years?
Sam: For me I love writing new songs as this group, when I feel dissatisfied we usually write something that makes me feel so good.

Miranda: I guess I would be one of the more recent personnel changes that you’re referring to. As for joining No Paws, I was a little surprised that Sam and Rogers considered me for their second keyboardist, especially since I hadn’t picked up an instrument since being in band in junior high. But, anyway, I like to think that I’ve added a little more depth to No Paws since joining and I hope that my mates agree.

Rogers: I just really enjoy doing this, Sam, Miranda and I make a really good team. Like Sam said, when ever things don’t feel right, we come up with a groove or jam that completely turns things around.

Your music sounds like a lot of fun and unfussy, do you play the songs live a lot before you record them or do you record right away?
Sam: I think we used to do that a lot, but I think we are starting to be better at demoing ideas quicker. There are pros and cons to both, but there is one song we wrote and played for over a year that we loved, but we forgot how to play it after leaving it alone for too long.

Your melodies are really strong and infectious, do you have any favorite songwriters/songs?
Sam: I don’t have any favorite song writers but I feel like No Paws isn’t really a band based around “songwriters.” All No Paws songs were made from all members at that time, and I think that is what makes the songs sound better than if one mind had complete control.

Miranda: Well, um, lately I’ve been really focused on making simple yet impactful keyboard lines, like the ones found in Abe Vigoda‘s recent album.

Rogers: I don’t really have a favorite songwriter either. I feel like we all have an idea of how this band should sound and we just kind of build off it.

The release history of  Don’t Be Afraid of Where You Live is an interesting one, can you give a brief overview?  Does it feel great to be out on vinyl?
Sam: For me Don’t Be Afraid is so epic, its the closest thing to an album I have ever done. All the songs span 2-3 years but really encapsulate what we were from beginning to then. Of course it feels great to have it out on vinyl. We haven’t had many vinyl releases, most bands never have any, and for that I am super thankful.

Rogers: There’s really nothing more awesome than being able to throw your own record on but i think my parents are more stoked on it. My mom’s working on framing it and my dad took his copy and hung it up in his office.

Do you have anything special planned for the show?
Sam: Just trying out our new bassist—we have never had a real bassist, besides at our electronic shows and I think this is going to be what we will settle into for the future of No Paws.

Miranda: Special plans? One word: confetti.

Rogers: Tons of silly string!

Listen: No Paws “Further Failings”

Get more No Paws

No Paws plays tonight…

Folktale Records & Sean Carnage present…



Jon Barba, aka Nicole Kidman
Former Ghosts
No Paws

With special guest Splintercake

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages

Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown

Get those tissues ready & RSVP for the show

Watch an original video about Jon Barba

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