Tonight: Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk

Band: Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk

Origin: Lawrence, Kansas.

Personnel: Drew M. Gibson, Oscar Allen Guinn IV, & Luke Namee.

How would you describe your sound?
“Basic Cable Mouth Wash / Satellite Brainwash”

Next show: Tonight, February 7 at Pehrspace

Baby Birds Don't Drink Milk...they play music!

How did Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk come together?
We all met because we were friends.

What would you call your sound and who are your musical peers?
The Pharmacy and Vehicle Blues.

Are you still doing Chomp Womp and what’s that all about?
Chomp Womp dumped us.

What’s your newest music and how did you create it?
Skeletor & Me, we made it with computers and snow.

Can we expect anything out of the ordinary at your Pehrspace show?
Yeah sure.

If you could have performed a song at the Super Bowl yesterday, what would it have been?
“Teenage Dream” by Katy Perry—would be a good moment for it.

Hear: Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk – “Last Night Sucked”

Connect with BBDDM

Don’t miss the show tonight

Sean Carnage presents…

Religious Girls
Moon Pearl
Baby Birds Don’t Drink Milk

and Dealer (member of Slum Witch)

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages / Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd.

RSVP’ing is a good thing to do

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