Someday I am going to write a book about the amazingly weird and aggro music performances I have witnessed, and there will most likely be a chapter in my book dedicated to Guns ‘N Broses!
Duck and cover when they jam—their “music” turns whatever audience is assembled into cavemen in about 2 seconds flat! Sorta like Guns ‘N Roses fans when they are informed that Axl will not be performing because there were the wrong color Skittles in his trailer.
Anyhow, Guns ‘N Broses is totally balls-out free-jazz cacophony with Guns ‘N Roses and Metallica backing tracks as the only organizing element. They really are something to see and hear. They whipped out those huge foam bats and soon everyone was smashing and trashing each other relentlessly. G’NB walk that fine line between genius and horrible-ness—sorta like that whole nightmarish ’88-’92 time period flashing-back “Jacob’s Ladder”-style. And for bringing scariness back to music, I commend them.
I.E. is Margot and I tried to take photos but I was dancing too much! 🙂 Anyhow, Margot actually sang a bit of Miley Cyrus—tying her performance in with the lovely poster she made. I really think that Margot is gonna be a SoCal legend if she isn’t already. All her songs are hilarious and also a bit sad… I guess that’s how growing up in the Inland Empire will affect you. I.E. is the best!!!
Adventure is Ben from Baltimore. He is in the new SPIN Magazine, which is pretty remarkable. He jams out amazing instrumental techno that is really accomplished and highly danceable. Woo! Good times…
Future Islands had me thinking “Wow—this is a band with musicality and nuance and a great singer and they could hold their own with any great band from any time period. There’s no qualifying Future Islands’ greatness.” And so here I am, twelve hours later and I see no reason to modify my initial impression. FI were amazing.
Sex-S is yet another shockingly great musical project from Sam (and Will K. and others). Download his CD from Myspace ‘cuz these are gonna be your back-to-school jams, I guarantee.
The Best Band Ever… did you miss them? YOU MISSED THE BEST BAND EVER!??!?!? OMG, you should be ashamed!
Thank you to everyone who came out. Arrgh. It was another evening where I wanted to hang with nearly everyone who showed up one-on-one style… So many friends. I hope you had a great time. We gotta get together outside of Pehr sometime soon, ‘cuz when it gets hectic I am sad that I don’t have time to talk to everyone. In the meantime, though, thanks for your support. I appreciate it so much, and the bands and performers certainly do, too. We are making history… A retarded, mutated history, but history nonetheless.
This Monday, September 15th
Sean Carnage presents…
Human Host
John Thill
Michael Vidal (guitarist/vocalist of ABE VIGODA)
Bob Bellerue
Starts 9:30pm / all-ages / $5
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Echo Park
See you there?
The Best Band Ever!!!
Future Islands!!!
Guns ‘N Broses!!!
(I’m gayyyy!)
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