Get frocked up with ‘Drag monster’ Fagenstein
Sometimes a phenomenon so ultra-fabulous comes along that one instantly becomes a rabid fan.
Fagenstein—self-proclaimed “drag monster” from Los Angeles—is exactly that phenomenon!
Fagenstein will be appearing at the Sean Carnage Fridays Friends & Family Reunion tonight, Friday 9/16, at Oracle Tavern (1640 N. Spring, Los Angeles 90012)
Also appearing: superstars Chaki the Funk Wizard, Dawn of Sequins, Dicso Bunny and DJ Kyle Mabson. Show starts 8pm / $10 / 21+.
Get the full concert details here
Fagenstein, a creation of the highly creative L.A.-based taxidermy artist, Mark Gallegos, emerged from the lab fully-formed… and ready to party!
Mark was kind enough to fill us in on Fagenstein’s origin story:
Who is Fagenstein and where do they come from?
Fagenstein came about twelve years ago on Halloween! And the fabulous monster has been around since!
Are you a drag king, or queen—or monster?
Fagenstein is a green monster drag queen!
How would you describe the Fagenstein aesthetic?
Fagenstein looooves a good animal print and fabulous colors.
What were you like as a kid & how did you get into horror?
Growing up I always like the spooky stuff. Halloween was my favorite holiday. When I was seven I dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I’ve always been a fabulous queen.

Mark Gallegos shows off his latest creation. Photo: Danielle Spires.
How about taxidermy? Your work is really irreverent and funny. What’s it like working with dead things?
I’ve been a taxidermy artist about eight years. I love working with dead animals and bring them back to a life-like form.
I never harm any animals for my work. I get things donated to me from pet shops and some of the smaller animals are frozen feeder food for reptiles.
If you could only take three songs to a desert island, what would they be?
If I were to take a songs to an island… hmmm this is tough one! There are sooo many.
I guess off the top of my head: Garbage “Only Happy When It Rains,” Boy Harsher “Tears” and TR/ST “Bicep.”
I could listen to those songs over and over and over again.
You make music too! Fagenstein’s “Video Killed the Radio Star” was edited by one of my inspirations, Treiops Treyfid from Pitchblende, who we profiled in U.S. Rocker (editor Brenda Mullen and I were major fans). I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to see two of my favorite artists—you and Treyfid—working together! What is he like?
Treiops is a gem! Looove treiops! He’s one of my best friends and have done sooo much for Fagenstein! And designed a lot of my merch.
Disasterina (Treyfid) and his wife Ave Rose have been a huge impact in my life. They are the ones responsible for me deciding to bring Fagenstein out more and not just on Halloween
What would the ultimate Fagenstein party be like?
The ultimate Fagenstein party would be lots of cheetah print and glitter! I looove a good shimmer.
Everyone must be in a horror themed costume… but with hints of glamour.
Would you ever go on Rupaul’s Drag Race?
I do t think I’d be the right fit for Drag Race. But I would definitely be on Dragula!
What are your two favorite things to do in L.A. right now?
My two favorite things to do in L.A. right now are going to all the department stores in the area and buying up all the Halloween decorations haha! And taking my dogs to the park and have a picnic with my fiancé.
It’s almost Halloween—how will you be celebrating?
Halloween is the busiest season for me. Not sure what I’m doing just yet? Guess we will see what bookings come my way…
Follow Fagenstein on Instagram
See you at the show TONIGHT? Grab a friendship bracelet made just for you. This is going to be THE party:
Join us at Oracle Tavern
8pm / $10 / 21+
1640 N. Spring, Los Angeles 90012
Follow me on IG & Twitter for updates
Check SEANCARNAGE.COM/SHOWS for more details
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