FUNNY JOKE CONTEST: Win a book by Jon Barba, subject of forthcoming Nicole Kidman mini-documentary

Photo: Sean Carnage

Several weeks ago I drove all the way to West Covina to video Jon Barba, aka Nicole Kidman. That’s him in the photo showing off his first tattoo (Francine is his cat).

I’m really excited for this Nicole Kidman doc. That’s because Jon Barba is a truly special musician.

I’m not an expert on pop, but he reminds me of Mountain Goats, but not in a rip-off way.

Jon’s always just himself.

He’s a also a comedian. Like, for real.

Jokes by Jon is his newest book.

I got an extra copy of Nicole Kidman/Jon Barba’s Jokes by Jon, so I thought I’d have some fun. I love that Barba relates advice like “DON’T WASTE A GOOD JOKE ON YOUR MOM BECAUSE MOM’S DON’T GET COMEDY.”

Enter the SEANCARNAGE.COM raffle:

• Win Jokes by Jon
• “100% true, funny stories”
• Mailed to you

How to enter:

• Post your funniest joke in the comments section below
• Winner will be chosen at random at 12PM noon this Friday the 13th & notified via Facebook

Good luck!

**A contest winner has been chosen! Click here to find out who won**

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