…And we’re back! ‘Friends & Family Reunion’ photos from Fridays at Oracle Tavern
First off, thank you all so much for supporting and attending our very first concert presentation since 2016! A big shout out to our performers Chaki, Dawn Of Sequins, Dicso Bunny, DJ Kyle Mabson & Fagenstein. And of course my sweet husband, Ryan, who helped at the door.
The last time we hosted a regular, recurring show… well, you’d have to go all the way back to January 6, 2014 when we held the final Monday Night at Pehrspace. Gulp.
So this was a long time coming. IT WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE SO MANY FRIENDLY FACES!
Today, I’m full of gratitude. It was truly a lovely experience.
That’s not to say that everything went completely smoothly. This was a “Carnage” show after all.
As Chaki said on Twitter after the show:
Show last night was a disaster. Bass broke in the first song, synth was making a noise it never made before and my Frankenstein got so wasted he knocked over the whole PA system. And I wouldn’t have had it any other way. THANK YOU @seancarnage for an amazing night! 💜💜💜
Yeah, well, I guess when one invites Frankenstein’s monster to the ball, you should expect some destruction.
At least it wasn’t me doing crazy shit this time (whew). I’ve cleaned up my act, I guess.
Since there was no harm done—no biggie. And it really was like watching Frankenstein where the monster starts stomping around knocking things over. Classic moment.
There’s more to come!
Please join us Friday, October 14th for STUNTDRIVER, Glen Meadmore & special guests .
Get the full concert details here
Enjoy the photos—thank you again!

Melvin Butel is Dicso Bunny. All photos: Sean Carnage.

Mary & Eli Chartkoff are Dawn of Sequins.

Mary & Eli hadn’t performed as Dawn of Sequins for awhile. They sounded so sparkly. Just like sequins in the dark.

For those in the know, it’s well-known that Eli & Mary: are genius songwriters. Case in point: “The Beach Is Sad.” I sing that every time I go to Venice!

Look at this beautiful group of friends! Look, there’s Tookie & Creekbird… so very nice to see everyone. Thank you.

Even our old buddy Schwarz showed. Hey, Schwarz!

The most powerful & moving part of the night was when Dawn Of Sequins launched into a BIRTH! cover song, in honor of the sadly departed Douglas Halbert. RIP.

Release the beast! I guess I shouldn’t have gotten Fagenstein drinks. He is a truly lovely, lovely person & a real original. Maybe he will come back sometime? I feel like our Fagenstein itch was not scratched. But he DID add to the crazy party vibe. Just like old times…

If aliens were stalking earth from afar, and saw this photo of Chaki serenading a seated Fagenstein, what would they think of our planet? “Party!?”

This part really didn’t go s planned, but Chaki is such a great performer & MC—he made the boo-boos entertaining.
Join us every 2nd Friday at the Oracle Tavern:
Fri 10.14.22 –STUNTDRIVER, Glen Meadmore, Ziemba (NYC) & Banny Grove
Fri 11.11.22 – RIG (ex-400 Blows—hell yeah!), NOÏ ROCK (new band alert! 400 Blows + Federation X supergroup from L.A.), A Lovely Sort Of Death & Paul Lai (of the legendary Upsilon Acrux)
Fri 12.09.22 – An evening with Corima, SAZA (formerly Sauber Zauber) & Vitamin Wig C
All shows 8pm / $10 / 21+
1640 N. Spring, Los Angeles 90012
Follow me on IG & Twitter for updates
See you there?
READ: I’m booking shows again!
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