Where has ‘weird’ gone?

There was a time when northern California’s Bay Area was one of the most innovative and bizarre music scenes on the West Coast.

Arguably leading this weirdo revolution was Caroliner. With their elaborate stage set up of large Xeroxed artwork-coated with day-glo paint and illuminated under florescent lights, a group of anonymous musicians hid in such elaborate costumes that it was difficult to pick the players out from their surroundings. But this is just one example of what was birthed out of the mid-1980’s.

However, as the new millennium struck the dust of this chaos had settled, leaving behind few things of interest.

Mind Cemetery have referred to themselves as "heavy hardcore."

In the late 1980’s and into the ’90s, a slew of California artists and bands, often with overlapping members, such as Faxed Head, Mummers, and Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, were major players in the ever-developing scene of rowdy warehouse parties and creating sounds unlike anything else happening at the time.

But since the millenium, the Bay Area became crowded with dudes slowly head-banging behind tables of pedals and psychedelic rock groups drowning in reverb, all of which failing to see the power of brevity while performing.

Perhaps the Bay Area was burnt out, and no one would blame you if you stopped paying attention.

Now there is a new generation of kids in town, throwing shows out oftheir living rooms and heeding no fear of self-expression. Their bands often sharing members, not unlike their cities’ great predecessors, and creating music with such energyand passion behind it that one can’t help but notice what’s going on up there. This could very well be the beginning of a much-needed Bay Area revival.

A fresh face in the weirdness is Mind Cemetery, a band consisting of members of No Babies, Sisterfucker, Stress Ape, Awesomes and the Punks.

After playing only three shows Mind Cemetery are heading out on a short tour across California and Arizona and will be playing this Monday night at Pehrspace in Los Angeles.

They will also be releasing a tour-only cassette that will be limited to 25 copies.

This intriguing blend of female-fronted punk and hardcore is something you won’t want to miss.

I talked with these guys a bit to try and help get a better idea of what to expect from this Mondays performance (your guess is as good as mine) and here is what they had to say:

Who is Mind Cemetery?
Marrissa, Max, Vanessa, Sean

How did you form?
Through plate tectonics and slow erosion.

What plants do you guys have for the band?
Kale, Calendula, Chocolate Mint, and some succulents.

Listen: “Distraction” by Mind Cemetery

Experience the New California Weirdness this Monday at Pehrspace…

Image: Geoff Geis

This week it’s the Sean Carnage / Kyle Mabson Monday Night Six Year Anniversary celebration, part one!

Featuring Geoff Geis‘ “Princess” release party

with The Monolators

Plus Sisterfucker & Mind Cemetery (Oakland, member of No Babies)

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages

Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown RSVP

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