This week was a crazy week, and it began with some AWESOME musical anarchy: Anavan and their APE RULES! re-programming of my Monday night concert series at Pehrspace in Echo Park was an amazing triumph.
I’ve hosted probably 150 shows in my life, and I am most proud of the last three weeks at Pehrspace. Aaron, Molly and Bret have done a spectacular job as curators.
These past three weeks, we’ve experienced some truly incredible and HISTORIC musical combinations.
Last Monday it was Dommm, Sea Org, This Song Is A Mess But So Am I, and Clan Of The Cave Bear. The fact that such disparate bands could hang together on the same bill and be so potent is a sign that we as underground musicians, artists, and fans, are on exactly the same page, aesthetically-speaking, regardless of the styles in which we choose to express ourselves.
This past Monday was also cool because my friends Clan Of The Cave Bear were here from Cleveland, and I was very proud to show off what we are doing at Pehrspace.
The fact that COTCB was so well-received by the Pehr audience, was gratifying and I hope that musicians from here in the L.A.-area go to Cleveland and other Rust Belt cities and play music for them. And listen to their music, too.
Obviously, I am biased because I’ve lived in both places, but I sincerely believe there is possibility for an interesting new extra-regional musical dialogue between Califonia and the Great Lakes area.
And man oh man, wouldn’t that be deliciously confusing to the pundits, critics, and gatekeepers in the music press!? I’m thinking of indie snobs at places like Pitchforkmedia having aneurysms trying to grade this baffling new music!!
Anyhow, after all the fun I had on Monday, it was time to get serious because I have not had a job (besides promoting 40 BANDS 80 MINUTES!) for quite some time, and I am broke as a fucking joke.
Of course, looking for a job is a full-time job in itself.
On top of that, it was high time to replace a bunch of documents that were stolen from me when I was robbed a few months ago, and get some other important personal business sorted out.
But after a lot of calls, nervousness, email correspondence and a bunch of interviews, I FOUND A JOB!!!
This coming Wednesday I start work as an editor for Specialty Publications, publisher of fine Gay porn mags like Unzipped, Men, Freshmen, & [2].
SO, if you are in a band and tried to get a hold of me this week, please understand that I had to focus on this so I could pay the rent.
Hit me up again at sean@seancarnage.com. (Myspace mail sucks and I always lose messages, because they get buried.) I’m back to work on the Pehr shows.
THIS MONDAY, APRIL 23RD: APE RULES! Anavan (re)programs Pehrspace! Part 4 with Agape, Laco$te, Anavan vs. Beach Balls in an insane new collabo, Destructo Bunny (from Merced, CA) & Macka.
The show starts 9pm, is all-ages, $5, and totally D.I.Y. as always. DJ KYle will be doing sound and, yes, even though I have a job now, we will still be hitting Lenny’s after the shows.
Also make sure to check the new COMMONISM ONLINE MAGAZINE.
Their second issue just came out, and there are awesome interviews with Whitman, Fag Bashers, and even ME. This was a long time coming (shit, I was still at Il Corral when they interviewed me), BUT SO WORTH THE WAIT!!!
Okay, enjoy the photos below (many are by Fred Kiko), and I hope to see you this Monday.
“You gotta be tough”
Clan Of The Cave Bear
Awesome crowd
Sea Org!
This Song Is A Mess But So Am I
Anavan performs GSL SELF-TITLED 127
This sounded as awesome as it looks—FUCKING SHREDDING!!!!
Magic fingers
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