Today & tomorrow: Carnage at The Smell and Pehrspace!!!
I’m facilitating two amazing shows this Sunday and Monday, and I hope you can check them out.
First up is Sunday night at The Smell with cutting-edge comedy…and noise. It’s so crazy, it just might work. In any case, it’s co-presented by Kyle H. Mabson and Peter “Poolboy” Moran, so you know it will be good (Vampire Pussy….woo!).
Next is an absolutely killer Sean Carnage Monday Night at Pehrspace, this week presented by Peter’s Poolboys. There will be gift bags for all attendees, plus the best new music to fill up your brain. Don’t miss it—Peter always has the best shows, and I will be there to make sure it’s all running smoothly….
**Sunday May 10th, 9pm, at the Smell**
Peter’s Poolboys, Sean Carnage & Kyle H. Mabson present…
Ed Schrader
Vampire Pussy
Dwarf Pluto
Starts 9pm / $5 / all-ages
The Smell—247 S. Main St., in Downtown Los Angeles
Monday, May 11th
Sean Carnage presents…
Peter’s Poolboys’ return to Pehrspace…
Kylie Mabson
Fortress of Amplitude
+ gift bags woo!!!
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there?
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