Hot Topic pulls the plug on I.E. & Luna is Honey
Amazing developments never cease—can you believe Monday night all-stars I.E. and Luna is Honey are playing at the Glendale Galleria Hot Topic at 6pm this evening?
Those bastards at Hot Topic wouldn’t let Luna is Honey play (because they had drums…like most rock bands do) and the manager dude turned off I.E. after just four songs. Oh the outrage!
Why in the hell did they book bands in Hot Topic in the first place?!
Oh well—the afternoon was full of love. Who else but Margot and Luna is Honey could bring the L.A. scene together at the mall at 6pm?
Mikhai and I booked over there. Here’s what we saw:
I love the mallrats checking Erik and all the rest of us out
Margot was getting distracted…maybe even a little heated.
Bam! The dude reached to turn her volume down. I hate that shit man! Why does it always have to be like that?
Dude gets a big fat Bronx—er, Glendale?—cheer. Wah WAH.
You invited her, bro…whatever.
That was fun despite the shutdown. I think everyone re-grouped later to have a house party. Does anyone have photos or video of that?
I.E. rules so hard. Check out Margot’s video.
Don’t you just love Luna is Honey? Sweet stuff…
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