Uncanny Valley
TagMetal, schmetal: SAZA is “like, totally medieval”
This is the serious Black Metal shit! Asher, Harley, Hazel & Will are simultaneously L.A.’s most dangerous AND most tasteful band…
Vitamin Wig C invites music fans to ‘fall in love in the Uncanny Valley’
Inside the far-out zone that Robbie Hansen’s Vitamin Wig C operates, things get mystical really fast…
Tricky Youth activates your ‘inner freak’
Press play on Tricky Youth’s phenomenal new album & be transported to a liminal state between Nü Metal and Noise, Hip Hop and Techno…
Wryngwyrm: ‘Black Metal for lonely girls’
L Coats, also known as Wryngwyrm, crafts Black Metal masterpieces in a day via the power of persona…