Summerdelic Tweakfest w/ 60 Watt Kid starts Monday! Plus: new photos of Zombelle, Double Dagger, Dalmacio Diamond & the Enochian Keys & The Choke!!!
Women has turned out to be the absolute perfect venue for this summer’s Sean Carnage Monday Nights. If you need evidence, just check out the photos below. This past Monday’s line-up blew everyone’s minds–especially mine!
Four years into this concert series, I thought I had seen everything. I most certainly hadn’t! Zombelle (with guest Elijah) were the absolute most advanced and out-there music I’ve ever hosted. Like a scary and thrilling combo of blues and improvised electronics, Zombelle brought to mind Robert Johnson, Diamanda Galas and vintage Suicide. Enthralling, unhinged stuff. Wow.
Double Dagger are really inspired by music I cut my teeth on, i.e. the hard-edged sounds of the ’90s underground. The fact that they can refer to that musically and still conjure up something entirely new and now is a major accomplishment. Kudos!
Dalmacio Diamond… What to say? This guy was born with rock in his soul. He plays his band (the Enochian Keys) like an instrument, whipping up frenzied blasts of spirit-searing sounds. You’d have to have a hard heart not to love him. The things he sings of are so universal.
The Choke (from NYC) opened the show. Johnny, the drummer, is from Cleveland, and saw some of the original Monday night shows (by Derek Hess at the Euclid Tavern). I don’t remember him (he must have been just a kid), but the influences he soaked up there still infuse his music. The Choke is straight-up punk rock, with all the wild frayed edges left intact. What takes them over the top and into the zone of the truly weird is the band’s attitude: singer Cameron is absolutely mesmerizing, and the dudes play like it’s the end of the world on every song.
This week, I am very excited to present the first installment of the Summerdelic Tweakfest, as orchestrated by 60 Watt Kid.
All month you can expect new sounds and video from the Kid and a plethora of like-minded musical explorers. I’m sad to be taking August off, but also relieved. We’re gonna blow the doors off the hinges with this four-part fest, so prepare your brain…This is gonna be the musical/creative explosion of all time!!!
This Monday, July 6th
Sean Carnage & 60 Watt Kid present…
High Castle
60 Watt Kid
Italic Indian
Skull Kiss
Garrett Pierce
Starts 9:30pm sharp! / all-ages / $5
At Women 1852 Crenshaw Blvd, in Arlington Hts.
See you there?
Enjoy the photo barrage, featuring: Zombelle, Double Dagger, Dalmacio Diamond & the Enochian Keys & The Choke!!!
The Choke
Dalmacio Diamond & the Enochian Keys
Double Dagger
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