“So sick they should call it malaria”: The creator of Santa Clarita’s raddest DIY event, Alan Fest III, interviews himself
Editor’s note: Two weeks ago I asked for help with this site and one of the first people to respond was Alan Tofighi. Tofighi didn’t mince words. “I’ve been a rabid fan of ‘underground music’ for years with severe librarian and Nardwuar-ish tendencies. I am modest to the point of self mutilation…Oh yeah, and I hate Pitchdork and New York.”
Then Tofighi revealed that he was the man behind this Saturday’s Alan Fest III—you know, the “Exhibition of the Finest Developments in Punk Rock, and Experimental Music”—that is bringing outstanding bands like NASA Space Universe, Nu Sensae, Ellen Degenerate, Moment Trigger, Emergency Exit, and more to the SCV. “Finally, a musical event in Santa Clarita that is not shameful,” says the Alan Fest event page. “Be there and be square” say the fliers.
When Alan Tofighi asked for his first writing assignment I was like, dude, just interview yourself. So he did. -SC
Well first off who are you?
I am Alan Tofighi, NASA Space Universe follower/lover/stalker and owner of a failed record label which will be curating Alan Fest III, October 16, at Push in Santa Clarita.
Can you elaborate on Alan Fest III?
Umm, it’s basically me getting bands I really like and dragging them to Santa Clarita. It’s for the kids, it’s for the elderly, and it’s for the bored, mainly. Also, I really want these bands to play Santa Clarita, but one in particular—the local promoting agency won’t let him use his name, so I’m letting him play and advertising him as he wants.
What? What do you mean on the whole name thing?
Oh, his group is called the Fetus Farmers—it’s a rap group with him and some other guys, but the local promoting agency refuses to put that name on the flyer, so he is calling it the F.F. which is not nearly as cool nor satisfying.
Who’s the local promoter?
Higher Level Production—they kind of got a monopoly on the whole town. It has its pros and cons, but I’m hoping after this Alan Fest, maybe [people] will be willing to initiate more DIY venues and events in the Santa Clarita Valley, or just trust me to run with it some more. Either way, Alan Fest III is going down.
What were the first Alan Fests like?
Well it goes back to Alan Fest, which was supposed to be a one-off thing. In hindsight, it was kind of stupid. It was just some friends and I jamming on “1970” by The Stooges, and I started eating stuff, screaming, “I feel alright!” over and over for about seven minutes after the song ended. The second one, Alan Fest II, was actually really cool and [we played] legitimate music that time. The turnout was actually pretty decent, but the room we rented out for it almost burned down. Luckily it didn’t. It’s proof a higher power wants me to do the third and final Alan Fest.
So what’s with the NSU thing?
NASA Space Universe is my life; I got that stuff tattooed on my back! NSU brought back my faith in local punk rock, honestly. I’ve seen them probably over 20 times since I first saw them in February. They are as much a part of Alan Fest III as I am, whatever that means. The whole point of Alan Fest III was really for them to come down and claim the land.
Will they be playing Alan fest III?
Yes! Along with Nu Sensae, who are flying down to be part of this last festering fest, and Moment Trigger, who are past Santa Claritians, along with Ellen Degenerate, my band Emergency Exit, the Fetus Farmers, and local heroes Tidemouth.
So is there anything we can expect from Alan Fest III?
Yes! Moment Trigger’s genius Slinktar [a noisy, homemade slinky-based instrument], a group Justin Pearson does not like—guess which one—and probably many shameful things I will be doing that will be memorable. Oh, and the lowest prices in town, because free is not a price.
Anything else you’d like to throw in?
Make a better flyer than the one I did.
Alan Fest III—”Santa Clarita’s musical wake-up call”—is this Saturday, October 16. It’s $7 at the door ($5 pre-sale—click here for more details). Proceeds will go “partly to the Senior Center (no joke).
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