Sean & Richmond’s Thanksgiving in Koreatown
Richmond and I had a great Thanksgiving. We took the train to Hollywood and saw Stephen Frears’ “The Queen.” Now, I ‘spose that was a totally gay thing to do (it was!), but whether you think British royalty is repulsive or not, you need to see this amazing film. Stephen Frears=a Sean Carnage favorite. I’m still thinking about this movie 5 days later.
After the movie, Richmond and I had a lovely meal of cornish hens roasted with garlic and vegetables, homemade Summit House creamed corn (mmm!), brussel sprouts with bacon, homemade cornbread and sausage stuffing, cranberry relish, garlic mashers and yummy blackberry cobler.
After eating all that, I fell into a deep coma. Satisfaction 🙂
Check out the pix:
Richmond and Nina the cat
Richmond has a blog you really should check out.
Looks like fun! I want to meet Nina!!!