Thank you to everyone who came to my “Monday on a Wednesday” holiday party at Il Corral! It was great to see so many friends. Sadly, Aaron from Anavan’s grandma died and Anavan was not able to perform. Our hearts are with Aaron. Anavan is playing Il Corral again soon so watch for that.
Despite this set-back, we had an AWESOME show.
Oouh was fantastic and really got people in the mood to party.
Attractive & Popular were back for their third appearance at Il Corral. I love these guys (and gal).
Last-up was MY new band with Bret Berg, Fred from Explogasm, the inimitable Paul Wilkins and my longtime collaborator, Drumulator.
Our name: COCKWIND!!!
We jammed the following Hawkwind/Robert Calvert tracks: Sonic Attack, The Right Stuff, Born To Go, Ten Seconds Of Forever, Orgone Accumulator and Damnation Alley.
This was the first rock band I have done since Razak Solar System and the very first band I have ever sung in front of! Fuck, was I nervous.
But things went off perfectly. Special shout-out to Fred who created some amazing images.
Look out—Cockwind is ready for takeoff… we are gonna play a completely new set of spacenoise favorites for each show so watch for more soon!!!
Just a reminder: there is no show this Monday.
The next show is a hot collabo with Kyle Mabson on Monday, January 8th with Robin Williams on Fire, Laco$te (wow!), Narwhalz (Richmond, VA), Yvonne (SF), This Song Is A Mess But So Am I, and Beach Balls.
Show starts 9:30pm sharp / all-ages / $5 / 662 N. Heliotrope Dr. L.A.
Enjoy the photos and Happy Nude Year!!!
Oouh… a new supergroup with Kyle Mabson and Dalton from Robin Williams On Fire
The Oouh “pimp cup” full of Jager… the spirit of the night
Kyle played everything on his new ’80s-era electronic guitar… Oouh was really good and you could tell they thought about the music
Midget porn played in the background (my gift to Kyle… Enjoy!)
Attractive & Popular…. GSL artists from Hot Springs, Arkansas
Paul and Fred from COCKWIND!
COCKWIND… an all-gay tribute to the music of Hawkwind & Robert Calvert
Sonic Attack
Have you ever seen Carnage like this!?
Ten Seconds of Forever
Paul goes all Dik Mik on homemade Theremin & modular synth
Christie & Stane celebrate Cockwind by dousing themselves with personal care products…. that’s the way to party!
(PS. Thank you to Christie for taking pics with my camera!!!)
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