Metal Monday IV tonight: Check out the band profiles
Metal Monday IV happens tonight at Pehrspace in Historic Filipinotown. It’s L.A.’s only regularly-scheduled underground metal and heavy music concert series held at a DIY venue.
Tonight the evilest—and best—new bands in the world: Bachsung (sadistic drone encounters), Ace Diamond Experience (star of Heavy Metal Funeral), Abhor (an untamed predator with multiple rows of teeth), and Poweraxe (stars of Heavy Metal U-Haul—forged from the finest steel).
Formed: December 2010.
Todd: Los Angeles.
Gabriella: The basement.
Gabriella: Synthesizers.
Todd: Synthesizer, sampler, guitar.
Mike: Drums.
Where did you get the name Bachsung?
Todd: The word was in a dream. There was a gigantic levitating aluminum slab with the letters punched through it. Light was passing through illuminating the letters. So we just used that word as the name.
Gabriella: We considered others but had to go with Todd’s message from his dream
How would you describe your music?
Todd: Reductive.
Gabriella: Loud.
Who are your musical influences?
Todd: Rick James.
Gabriella: Everyone everywhere ever. This week’s obsession was Led Zeppelin especially Jon Bonham but I’m also rocking the new Crazy Band cassette Fuck You in the tape deck. I like it so much.
What’s the newest song you’ve written and what is it about?
Todd: Our songs aren’t about anything.
Gabriella: Our second-newest song is about cats that play rock music because they can’t talk (but only my part of the song is about that). It doesn’t have a name yet, but here it is: (sept 2) by BACHSUNG
What’s your favorite new music right now?
Todd: Hot 92.3
Gabriella: My favorite newer song is “Horse Steppin” by Sun Araw because it sounds like energy that speaks to you
Do you have anything special planned for Monday?
Todd: Yes.
Gabriella: You should go!
If your band was a natural or manmade disaster, what would it be?
Todd: A black-out.
Formed: 2001
Origin: I was living in Yucaipa, CA at that time.
What do you play: Everything.
Have you ever had any other name besides “Ace Diamond Experience”?
The name has been the same since day one. No other monikers were considered.
How would you describe your music? Mine.
Who are your musical influences? Chuck Berry, KISS, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper just to name a few. I am very much a child of the ’70s. i was born in 1977.
What’s the newest song you’ve written and what is it about?
The most recent one isn’t finished yet. The most recently completed song, which will be on my next record, my 5th, is called “Hatred.” the song is a letter to my older sister.
Where can we hear more of your music?
On the following albums: 555 The Neighbor Of The Beast, Prime Meridian Mind Fuck, Disasterpeace Theatre, Torturary Statutes and my next album will be called The Blackened Heart Buffet. To listen to some of the songs from each of my records, go to myspace.com/acediamondexperience.
What’s your favorite music right now?
Well, my favorite band has always been Kiss. I have always been a metalhead. I don’t listen just to one song here and one song there. That’s what a lot of people nowadays do with iPod and such. I don’t own one. I don’t even have a Walkman.. I still live in 1983, so I still listen to entire albums. Preferably on vinyl. I’ve still got a really big vinyl collection that i listen to quite often. My phonograph gets a lot of usage.
Do you have anything special planned for Monday?
Yes. I won’t say though, what it is. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?
If your band was a natural disaster, which one would it be and why?
I am the eye of the storm. It is the one place of quiet, calm, and order while everything else is in total turmoil and chaos and everything is flying all over the place and being destroyed. It is the place of serenity.
See Ace Diamond in “Dio’s HEAVY METAL FUNERAL”
Formed: We began our quest for ear pillaging in 2009.
Origin: We originally came from a small, very dark town called Ukiah, but I guess now we’re based in L.A.
Personnel: Our drummer is Faustino. With his long flowing hair and spicy Latino attitude, he handles the keepage of beats with never-ending rage. On guitar and vocals is Hunter. He travels cloaked in a hurricane of shred and armed with the voice of a thousand earthquakes exploding into one giant Megaquake of Metal. Our newest member is our bass player Chuck. Straight from the horrific jungle of North Korea, this Chinese warrior knows kung fu on bass.
Have you always been Abhor?
We’ve always had this name. We didn’t really put too much thought into it, or anything we do really. The name wasn’t too important to us so Abhor was good enough.
How would you describe your music? Unfortunately due to the high concentration of metal, our music surpasses all forms of communication. Not even God himself could tell you what we sound like.
Who are your musical influences?
Our musical influences are vast as fuck, but for this band I’d say our main influences are bands like Slayer, Carcass, Pantera, Arch Enemy and other various metal bands.
What’s the newest song you’ve written and what is it about?
We haven’t really written anything new for quite some time. I’d say one of the last one we wrote was “Airshark” which is about the most terrifying concept ever conceived by man kind.
Listen to this revolutionary shark metal song
Where can we hear more of your music?
Hopefully soon there will be a link to download all of our EP’s for free on our Failbook.
What’s your favorite new music right now?
I can’t really pick favorites but at the moment I’m very stoked for some of the bands I’ve discovered since moving here such as BLOK, Essay, Halloween Swim Team, Captain Ahab, and others that make me very happy to be living here.
Do you have anything special planned for Monday?
Our goal is for someone to either be impregnated or murdered.
If your band was a natural or manmade disaster, which one would it be and why?
If our band was a disaster, it would be all of them, because we do shit in a big way.
Formed: We forged the Axe in the year of 2007.
Origin: We were founded in Valencia, California!
Personnel: Brian and Ryan are in Poweraxe and Brian plays the bass guitar and Ryan plays the drums.
Did you ever consider another band name?
We have always been Poweraxe. One time I really wanted to change the band’s name to God but then we didn’t.
How would you describe your music? We describe our music as spiritual metal, it is a very heavy form of psychedelia.
What are your influences?
Our musical influences are few and far between because most of our stuff is influenced by visual things, but we love Blink 182, Black Sabbath, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Death, TONS of classical, Scott Walker, Hella, Iron Maiden, Atheist, traditional Indian and African music, Miles Davis, and The Kinship.
What’s your newest song?
The newest song we have written is called “Somalia” and it is about the gods smiting the fire people.
Where can we hear your music?
You can hear our music at poweraxe.bandcamp.com
What’s your favorite new music?
Well I would say that right now we are both really stoked on The Kinship which is this raw as fuck rap group and also the other night we went and saw Sebastian and even though we aren’t really into the whole DJ/techno scene that shit was so Blade Runner that we were just blown away.
Anything special planned for tonight?
On Monday we are going to bring you all into the depths of the furthest galaxy.
If your band was a natural or manmade disaster, which one would it be and why?
If we were a disaster we would be a nuclear melt-down because the theme of our music is very post-apocalyptic. This is the metal that would exist after the world ended and all the land was burnt and all the oceans were poisoned.
“Follow the truck” & see a Poweraxe documentary
Don’t miss Metal Monday IV at Pehrspace:
Monday, September 19
Sean Carnage presents
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown RSVP
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