Quick hits: Total Fang

Band name: Total Fang

Formed: First practice & recording was one week ago.

Personnel: Two teenage boys—Toby and Justin—and their Math teacher Andy. They play guitars and drums.

Upcoming shows: Tonight, Sunday, August 15, at The MIME and tomorrow, Monday, August 16, at Pehrspace.

Quote: “Andy is on the phone right now with his ex-girlfriend who is now fucking his best friend and he should be ignoring her calls and moving on and fucking dime pieces (actually 7.5s) like that girl in Temecula or Hemet a week ago.”

Elemental, catchy, savage…I booked Total Fang because they listed their influences as “Hairy Pussy, The Germs & Burzum.” Tuff stuff. My evil side is already cackling in anticipation…

What’s an artist/performer/genre that everyone in Total Fang can agree upon?
Teenage Jesus & the Jerk Chicken Legs Buffet @ Home Town.

What’s your favorite song on the radio right now and why?
Lady Gaga.

If you could instigate a new pop music trend, what would it be and why?
Gang violence.

What can audience members expect from your upcoming show at Pehrspace?
Night Wounds and Mutators combined mixed with a dash of Patron.

If you have any new recordings/tour plans/web site news/performances that you want to tells about please do that here.
We have an LP coming out on James Fella’s Gilgongo label, so James if you read this now you know to go to the Myspace and listen to those songs I texted you about (three times) that you acted all interested in hearing but haven’t contacted us about since I told you and now we kind of think maybe you don’t like it, so sup dawg?

If you could teach the world to sing, what song would you pick?
“Girls At Night.”

Hear/download Total Fang’s “Girls At Night”

See Total Fang at The MIME, on Sunday, August 15

See Total Fang on Monday, August 16, Sean Carnage presents…

11:40 Skyline Electric
11:00 Ghost Animal
10:20 Total Fang (ex-Mutators & Night Wounds)
9:45 Max Beast

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages

Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown


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