Quick hits: Okie Dokie
Band name: Okie Dokie
Formed: October, 2008—Fall term of our first year at school together
Personnel: Ryan McGuffin, 22, guitar. Mikal Cronin, 24, bass. Michael Ray-Von, 21, vocals.
Upcoming shows: Tonight, Monday, September 6, at Pehrspace.
Musical description: “Screamin’ Jay’s schizoid Luddite 56k ACME chainsaw despair repair hermitage of horrors”
How did Okie Dokie meet?
I’ve known Mikal since the old old days of the high school OC Santa Ana-meets-Laguna Beach for a celebrity death match of surf/77/hxc/synthpunk scene circa 2004/5/6. Three years of shows headlined by Epsilons, NASA Space Universe and Paris Hilton (at least in my heart). I met Ryan in the cafeteria at Calarts. The first thing he said to me was “Hey want to go to a punk show?” It was at his house in Val Verde. His band The Cokeheads with Jael and Caleb from Old Blood played.
What are some classic bands/artists that everyone in the band loves?
The Ramones and Nirvana are probably the only bands we consistently agree on.
Who are the best new bands to look out for right now?
Check out Christmas from Olympia, Zulus from Brooklyn, Mentira Mentira from MX, and Green Screen Door and The Baths and Dva Damas from CA.
What was the first song that you ever wrote and what was it about?
“Milk.” A universally comprehensive elementary generative fluid lactation without a locatable breast.
What is the most recent song you have written and what was it about?
“Existenz.” A soft-machine sex fantasy in cyberspace starring me and Kali.
What’s your newest album/single/video?
I’ll just hype the newest video cause I made it. Heh. It’s for “The Monad.”
What can folks expect from you at Pehrspace ?
Tar and feathers. And a cover of “Wart Hog.”
What happened to Paris Hilton Motherfuckers?
I was dissatisfied with the extent to which the fundamental message was being communicated/received. Okie Dokie is a new language but I still have a kind of isolated desperate pessimism in mind when I write. OD is far more direct than PH and irony can be really exhausting. OD is focused more on the responsibility of production, rather than consumption as with PH.
What trend would you like to see become popular in music?
If you could write a song for Lady Gaga to sing, what would it be called and how would it go?
It would be called “Kaneda” and it would go:
Arashi gareki honoo kakera machi tatsumaki
Chikara hikari
Yatsura matsuri sora nakama hashiru
Rassera rassera rasserasse rassera
Rassera rassera rasserasse rassera
Rassera rassera rasserasse rassera
Rassera rassera rasserasse rassera
Rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse rassera
Rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse rassera
Rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse
Rasse rasse rasse rasse rasse
Rasse rasse rasse rasse rassera
Arashi gareki honoo kakera machi tatsumaki
Chikara hikari
Yatsura matsuri sora nakama hashiru
Nakama hashiru kaneda tetsuo kai yamagata
Nakama hashiru kaneda tetsuo kai yamagata
Hear/download Okie Dokie’s “UV Dust”
Don’t miss Okie Dokie tonight at Pehrspace…
Sean Carnage presents…
11:45 NASA Space Universe
11:15 The Emotron
10:45 Terraform
10:15 Stag Bitten
9:45pm Okie Dokie
with DJ Kyle Mabson
Doors at 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
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