Underground rock, except for four years in the mid-90’s, does not pay my bills. That’s okay. I’m fortunate enough to work as an editor in the publishing industry by day. Lately, that has meant Specialty Publications’ Men/Freshmen/[2]/and Unzipped Magazines. They are the top-selling gay porn in the world. They are kinda soft, but that’s okay, too. I used to work at Hustler which was political and hard-core, but it was also high-stress and depressing. Now I work with some supremely nice and creative guys and I’m happy.
I’m working on two new features for Unzipped: “thugporn” and “celebrity dildos.”
Tiger Tyson is gonna be in both.
Tiger is amazing—handsome, funny, ridiculously well-endowed, genius, HOT. He was in the first slew of porn mags I bought back when I was a kid, so it’s amazing he’s still around today. He’s a real hustler and a survivor. He still looks great. (He says he’s 25, but he’s gotta be my age or older.)
He’s also more popular than ever before, thanks to his new company, Pitbull Productions. He’s become a director and businessman, in addition to a performer, so he’s really made it.
This past week, he was in L.A. from his home base in East Harlem. I photographed him being molded for a celebrity dildo (photos soon!) and hung with him for an afternoon downtown.
Tiger also appeared at Mickey’s in West Hollywood, where he was interviewed for their Cocktails with the Stars web TV program.
Weho gay bars are kinda grim and depressing to me. They are the gay equivalent of those drink-till-ya-puke-or-hook-up riverside saloons in the Cleveland Flats that used to gross me out. Whatever. To each his own.
However, Tiger is so charismatic, he lit up dreary old Mickey’s and it actually was fun for a few hours. Richmond and Justin from Unzipped accompanied me—it was really fun to hang out with both of them in this ultra gay context!
Anyhow, below are the complete photos. Enjoy! (And check out Tiger’s excellent videos if you are into that kinda thing.)
Ladies and gentlemen… Mr. Tiger Tyson from New York, New York!!!
Tiger is quizzed by host Scottie B.
Tiger experiences his first “fleshlight”
Unzipped’s Justin and Mr. Tyson
Carnage and Tiger (Tiger says: “If you black, you don’t crack.” Oprah said something similar a few weeks ago.)
This lucky fan got to strip Tiger. (Tiger says: “Don’t be afraid—come up here. I might cum on you, but I’m not gonna bite ya!”)
I think Mr. Superfan got a peek at Tiger’s 10″ piece. Damn.
Oh yeah—he did.
His pits turn me on…
Tiger’s the first “man of color” to be on industry trade rag GAYVN’s cover… wow!
Tiger answers fan questions
Tiger says: “How much am I worth? I’m worth as much as life. And life is PRECIOUS.”
Autograph time!
Now, aspiring porn star Weho dudes are brought onstage to be judged by Tiger.
“Who wants Tiger to dance for us!?!?” All hands go up…
What a sweetie
Ladies, dudes… everybody loves Tiger Tyson!!!
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