Peter Steele dead? Here’s what his penis looked like
One great thing about my years in adult publishing at Hustler and Unzipped is that I have absolutely no qualms posting nude photos of dead celebrities on the Internet. None at all.
I’m selling the Peter Steele nude Playgirl to help pay for a new house
So in honor of my dead job (Regent Media killed Unzipped, Men & Freshmen after 30 successful and historic years—I’m picking up my last check this morning) and the supposedly deceased Type-O Negative front man (who faked his death before), I present these naked photos of Peter Steele from the mid-1990s.
Read an exclusive interview with Peter Steele
Several months ago, D.O.A./Black Flag/Circle Jerks/Danzig drummer Chuck Biscuits was rumored to have died. I wish I had had nude pictures of him. (From, like, 1982? With that feathery blond surf/punk shag? Hotness.) But ol’ Chuck turned out to be undead. That’s the Interwebs for ya.
Now comes this:
Reports began circulating this morning on the Internet that Peter Steele, the forty-eight year old bassist/singer for gothic rock band, Type O Negative had died from heart failure on Wednesday, April 14, 2010.
Steele’s friend Juliya Chernetsky from Fuse TV broke the news via her Twitter page.
“Peter Steele passed today. I loved my friend…our idol…my heart is with his band and family…” adding later that “he passed of heart failure”. This is not the first time that reports of Peter Steele’s death have surfaced. In 2005 there were rumors circulating that Steele had died. This time around however, it appears that the 6′ 7″ rocker has indeed tasted death’s sweet kiss.
Born Peter Ratajczyk on January 4, 1962 in Brooklyn, New York, Steele fronted Type O Negative. The band was dark and moody with songs containing dramatic lyrical themes of romance, depression and death. Type O Negative went platinum in 1993 with “Bloody Kisses”. Their latest album was produced in 2007 and is titled, “Dead Again”.
This is totally unsubstantiated gobbledegook. In fact, I’m not even going to include a link here, because these same suspicious paragraphs are being block-copied on a zillion shady sites right now. I’ll wait for the New York Times obit, thanks.
In the meantime here’s what I do know about Peter’s steel:
-I actually owned Peter Steele’s Playgirl issue. Steele’s management company sent it to every female rock writer when it came out. What a player. I guess I ended up on the “girls” list. It wasn’t the first time.
-Peter Steele looked totally ridiculous in Playgirl, but at least he had a huge cock (the dude was super tall and his schlong was sized accordingly). Other nude rockers in that issue—like Keith Richards—blechhh. Later, another well-endowed Russian-American, Michael Lucas, ripped off Peter’s pout.
-Type-O Negative released a fake live album called Origin of the Feces which had a big spread-open butt crack on the cover. Radical. But Peter Steele never showed his ass in Playgirl and I could never figure out who that hairy hole belonged to.
-Later, my friend was so into Peter Steele that she started online-dating a guy who was his doppelganger. His AOL chatroom name (this was awhile ago) was “MisterAnal.” I always wondered if it really was Peter Steele.
-When I finally saw Peter Steele in concert, he had machines that made it snow inside the arena. It was incredible, but all I could think about was MisterAnal.
Get an exclusive account of Peter Steele & Type O Negative in concert
-Long after Type-O was off the charts (I’m talking early 2000s), the Peter Steele Playgirl resurfaced at my apartment. Some band that was sleeping over found it in my hope chest, er, book collection. After that, it lingered around my living room. It was not unusual for me to arise in the morning, make my way to the shower, and discover some random band dude (whose group was crashing at my place) wide awake and staring at the Peter Steele layout. Thank god I am a no questions asked kinda guy, eh? The road can do funny things to a man…
–Kyle H. Mabson loves Peter Steele.
Peter, if you are truly gone, this lady is gonna be missin’ you. You were totally not my type, but I liked your videos. Too bad we never got to hook it up. Sniff.
I’m selling the Peter Steele nude Playgirl to help pay for a new house
Get your copy of an exclusive interview with Peter Steele & Type O Negative
Read an exclusive review of Type O Negative & Peter Steele’s October Rust
These vintage ’90s magazines featuring Peter Steele can be yours
So sad so young. Very smart talented good looking and yes I’m 5’1 105 lbs. He would have tore me ,but would have enjoyed the ride.rip
I’ m either very lucky or horrendously cursed because’ he had two lovers who certainly made M r Steele look like ‘ Tiny Tim’ lol…NOT my thing at all ?
Blood red kisses.x Lavina,1986+1992 legal wife of Sebastian Bach@Madame X+Skid Row.
My gosh!….I’m drooling!
Rip king, you wouldve loved my hole