Courtney, my good friend from Ohio who now lives in Koreatown, called me and said, “We gotta go see The Six Parts Seven at the Echo!” So I did—but mainly to see Courtney, ‘cuz she is super cool.
I had a great time hanging out, but the music was just alright.
I also saw another ex-Ohioan, Hannah, who recently relocated to L.A. to play in a new band with Josh from original Monday Night stars The Top Drawer (small world, eh?).
Anyhow, The Six Parts Seven definitely deserve credit for sticking to their guns and continuing to create uplifting, vocal-free rock pastorals. They even backed up solo artist Richard Buckner for his set, showing off their instrumental prowess.
This was a KCRW-sponsored contest, so the Echo was packed, too.
But as I looked around at the huge crowd, scratching their chins to the beautiful music, I remembered why I left Ohio: this scene is too rational and way too fucking boring!!!
I mean, compared to mainstream-alternative music, our little underground scene is a blip on the radar. It will never get Nic Harcourt’s endorsement. And to that I say… GREAT!
I love the aggressive eccentricity and musical experimentalism of all the 40 BANDS! bands and the Monday Night performers. This easy-listening alternative bullshit is not for me. I’ll take Health or Captain Ahab or Laco$te over anything from Kent, Ohio, any day of the week.
Still, it was great to see so many faces from so long ago. And the fact that The Six Parts Seven are so successful with their music is fantastic. But I am still searching.
The Six Parts Seven from Kent, Ohio
My friends Courtney and Hannah!!!
Richard Buckner joins in…
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