EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Nicole Kidman “Becoming Men 2010”
If you love music and zines and you live in L.A., you may already know Jon Barba. He’s from West Covina and a big supporter of everything DIY. Maybe you’ve played or seen a concert at his awesome showspace, Ports O Call (it’s his bedroom in a little building behind his parents’ house). My Jon Barba mini-documentary isn’t about Ports O Call per se—although, as you can see, that’s where Barba greeted me.
This movie is about the incredibly personal music that Jon makes as Nicole Kidman.
As befits the subject, this video is a bit different. I tried new composition, pacing, etc. (I was inspired as a result of my day in West Covina with Jon.)
Nicole Kidman plays this Monday night at Pehrspace.
Here’s the backstory and a taste of what to expect.
Jon lives on the I-10 freeway.
Ports O Call is the nicest pool house ever, and Jon’s place for making Nicole Kidman music.
Happy birthday…
“Becoming Men 2010”
Watch NICOLE KIDMAN “Becoming Men 2010”
Description: Singer/songwriter/#1 Miley Cyrus fan Jon Barba recorded at his Ports O Call bedroom in West Covina, California. Production/editing: Sean Carnage. Thank you to: Jon, Steven, the mall
Tags: “Nicole Kidman”, “Becoming Men 2010”, Jon Barba, West Covina, Miley Cyrus, Los Angeles, The Smell, Pehrspace, music, Sean Carnage, seancarnage.com
Don’t miss this Monday…
Sean Carnage presents…
A Very Special Monday Night with
Physical Forms (at 11:30pm)
**New band featuring members of Mae Shi, Division Day, Hiking, Bad Dudes, featuring Busdriver…**
11:10 Nicole Kidman
10:50 Generation
10:10 Dimples
9:45 So Many Wizards
+ DJ Kyle “King of the Mix” Mabson
Doors at 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
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