After the total decadence of this weekend’s mega-successful benefit party (read post below), this Monday’s show was lean, mean stripped-down return to basics: ROCK ‘N ROLL!!
This was actually the first show of the year I programmed (Kyle Mabson did the first two). I think it turned out pretty well. In fact, the bands were awesome!
Three bands I already knew (The New Motherfuckers, Abe Vigoda, On and Off Superfast) and three I had never seen live before (Atole, Love Pentagon, Friends of Dennis Wilson). The different styles mixed up the R’N’R nicely, I think.
On and Off Superfast’s songs are all different, but they share a distinctive driving atmosphere, built up with multiple keyboards. Very cool.
Friends of Dennis Wilson are from Detroit so they came a long way for this show. They had a thick psychedelic sound, the guitar was cool and the singer really know how to move. I dug them.
Abe Vigoda really kicked ass, with what sounded like a bunch of new songs. I was at the door during their set and I regret I couldn’t get closer. Everyone was dancing and the band sounded rad.
Atole—Manny from Portland—is one of those performers who’s so out there, I can see him being kind of popular. Everyone was really shocked by his appearance and his amazing singing (often not into the mic—a cool effect). Like Andy Bell from Erasure surgically conjoined with Diamanda Galas. Atole rules!!
Love Pentagon is from Las Vegas and they had great songs, all done in a indie/garage/no wave hybrid style that worked. The glockenspiel was a nice touch, too. I hope these ladies come back soon.
I only had seen The New Motherfuckers once before, at the Smell. But on this Monday at Il Corral, they proved themselves to be total ragers. Their songs are poppy sometimes, but definitely all rock. They do weird pauses and jumbled structures which sound good, not forced, with the power of, you know, a real rock band. Anyhow, go see them soon—hopefully at Il Corral.
Thank you everyone who came out. Please enjoy the photos and read the good news about the Il Corral benefit in the post below.
THIS MONDAY FEB. 5TH: Super-exciting emcee and renegade songstylist Alexis Gideon presents the first installment in his series of weekly “Levitations” presented throughout the month of February at Il Corral. The show features music from Ponce de Leon, Ima Fucking Gymnist, Future America and Moment Trigger—all making Monday night debuts!
If you love new music, you owe it to yourself to be there. Cost is $5, all-ages, starts 9:30pm. Il Corral is at 662 N. Heliotrope Drive, Los Angeles. Our between-bands music is the best in L.A., thanks to DJ/soundman Kyle Mabson.
See you there?
On and Off Superfast!
Karen Centerfold returns!
Friends Of Dennis Wilson!
Jon and Regina
Abe Vigoda!
How do you keep your edge?
Love Pentagon
The New Motherfuckers!
Hey if you know that one girl tell her to call DJ Kyle
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