New Carnage video: Nora Keyes “Luminosities”
If you are a fan of underground sounds—you know, beneath the earth’s surface—and you live in Los Angeles, chances are you already know Nora Keyes.
Keyes’ simultaneously macabre and spiritually uplifting music and visual artworks have a devoted cult following. (I’ve been a fan since 2001.)
Now I am very proud to present a very special new examination of Keyes’ from beyond artistic ethos by director Allbert Chang.
Nora Keyes very kindly granted us unparalleled access to her art and artifact-filled abode.
Nora’s fellow Fancy Space Person Don Bolles (of the Germs, 45 Grave, Celebrity Skin, Dethbred, et al) provided some great background and context for Keyes’ visuals.
And while we talked, a giant “portal” (one of Keyes’ newest works) beckoned to us from the wall.
I can’t wait to see her art show this weekend!
Until then… check this out:
Description: Musician, performer & visual artist Nora Keyes discusses her newest artworks in advance of her show at Sancho Gallery, opening 7pm, April 9, 2011. Featuring commentary from the Germs’ Don Bolles.
Directed & edited by Albert Chang
Cameras: Eduardo Duran, Albert Chang, Sean Carnage
Soundtrack: “Pyramids Shoot Golden Rays” by Fancy Space People
Video producer: Sean Carnage.
Recorded on location in Silverlake & Vernon, CA.
See an Albert Chang video about David Liebe Hart
See another about Zeuhl band Corima
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