The 40 BANDS 80 MINUTES! screening in Cleveland last week was also an opportunity for me to reconnect with my old friends, although, obviously, I couldn’t see 13+ years worth all in one weekend. So I am already planning a return trip.
Stephe DK was the best host. I have been kinda emotionally fucked up all week since I came back to L.A. I really don’t like the Cleveland environment much anymore, but I love the people—my friends—more than ever. Leaving was hard, and I felt all kinds of old emotions (loss, abandonment) pop up again.
Anyhow, enjoy the pictures below. They only give a small glimpse of my activities in Ohio last week. I was mostly just hanging.
Me & my old U.S. ROCKER/WRUW friend ‘n bandmate Justin Husher!!!
Parish Hall does Zaireeka!
4 stereos… synched pretty well, too
The indoor putt-putt course was amazing… Look—the Terminal Tower!
Note: construction out front
New Cuyahoga River creature!?
Matt DK built a reproduction of the Serpent Mound
The 9th hole… actually playable!
Justin & Sarah!
Beatrix-Jar presented an AMAZING circuit-bending workshop!
All of Parish Hall joined in
Our very patient & helpful teachers
The circuit-bending procedure was surprisingly simple—almost caveman
And it works!
Thumbs Up! Rad new project from old pal John
Beatrix-Jar performs
After bending circuits, we went to the opening of new Cleveland DIY venue, The Embassy. It’s in a space on E. 72nd & St. Clair that I’ve been to before. Did Clay Parker live there? Or Julie Fedevich? I can’t remember—that was 1,000 beers ago. Here are members of Tusco Terror… fucking awesome noise!
Ralf, Bee Mask Chris, and all the younger folks at the screening were raving about this band: Emeralds. They are kinda Sub-Arachnoid Space-ish, drumless doom noise. Their music was indeed quite ruling. I’m glad I got to hear this new evolution of the Cleveland sound.
Here’s Chris… He performs as Bee Mask, but I think this was a solo endeavor. He smoked a fatty while carefully adjusting an avalanche of sound. The time his spliff lasted determined the length of his set! He was the only performer to reject the loft area and I must say, it worked out to high dramatic advantage.
Renton, my cat Randy’s cousin (?) in Cleveland. Renton also came out of Speak In Tongues. He looks just like my cat, but all white. I thought maybe they are long lost brothers. Then I got home and looked at Randy… Damn! Randy is almost twice as big as this kitty! So now I am saying they are cousins.
Renton & Meghan. Fortunately, Meghan’s old roomie (and old SIT acquaintance) Erin was living next to the Embassy in the next loft, so we bopped over there for a nice sitdown. It kinda became my farewell party, too. Thanks for letting us commandeer your apartment, Erin!!
Stephe DK and Erin wore the same sweater… weird!
Cynthia and Meghan… Cynthia has always been a real sweetheart to me and everybody on the music scene. She’s a real cool artist and craftsperson, always working on a new house or art project.
OK, I forgot to take an establishing shot here so this might be confusing to non-Clevelanders. After we left the Embassy, we returned to Parish Hall to get my luggage. Then Stephe, Meghan and I realized I had not yet seen the little jewel of a church that sits in their front yard. Yes, that’s how things are in Cleveland—so much old architecture, it becomes commonplace. Well, this church—perhaps the oldest Romanian Orthodox church in America—is not at all commonplace! It’s still being used, in fact, which is why we didn’t visit until 4am Sunday when I was leaving. Stephe had a key (Parish Hall is the much newer [though still ancient] and much larger social hall for this church). Inside the church were many amazing icons, some straight from Romania. I was an icon painter’s assistant for a year, so this was a big treat—to see all this wonderful art.
Jamming on the church drum set
Believe it or not, they have held some crazy noise shows in here. The church is available for rent!
After visiting the church, we piled in Stephe’s car for the ride through a gathering snowstorm to the airport. But I wasn’t gonna leave town without hitting one of Cleveland’ best dives, STEVE’S LUNCH!! This hotdog cafe is okay, but the ambience is INCREDIBLE. What a great way to say goodbye to Cleveland. Until the next time! (Postscript: Stephe got me to the plane on time, but it wasn’t until Chicago that I realized I still had chilidog on my shirt. D’oh.)
Thanks Sean!
These shots look great!
We all had a blast the week you were in town! The film opening was very well received and well attended!
Anyways, thanks for coming back home and screening the film at Parish Hall. Hopefully we can host the next project you are working on.
Take care,
Tom Sarago
Parish Hall Cleveland