Monday re-cap: Tripping endlessly…fearlessly
I had a moment of heaven last night. Nuexpe (aka Yoshitake Expe, aka Nutron) ripped out wah-wah vocoder electric guitar licks that were so beautiful they made me cry.
Yes, this dude had more pedals than Guitar Center. But Nuexpe also had the balls to be totally and shamelessly free and himself.
How very fitting Nuexpe found his way to Pehr. It was a night full of fearless performances.
Here are some other highlights:
Os Waffles played for humans for the first time in 16+ years last night! Yes, that’s Eli Monolator and his songwriting partner/best friend Jorin jamming their superb (and weird!) pop.
NaNa (along with her band the Happy Cats, which may have included members of L.A. band L. Ron’s Cupboard), played sax, danced, told jokes, wailed on drums…it was like a psychedelic variety show where you never knew what you were getting next. (I like that kind of suspense.)
The Seizure love to get wild. Can’t you tell? They kick their songs—and the audiences asses—all over the room with their overflowing energy.
People were asking me all night: “Is that the same Monolators? Did they get all new members? THEY ARE SO FUCKING GOOD!” Well, on that last point…DUH!
I guess it had been awhile since Monolators played one of my shows. Apparently some folks didn’t know that, yes, they do have two new members (not really so new anymore, actually). But no matter who the players are, the heart of the band is still this incredible nugget of vibrancy and humanity that founders Mary and Eli cultivate. There’s just no keeping this band down—they are always radiating this incredible verve and energy. Another great set…
This Monday, April 19th
Kyle Mabson presents 420 dudes!
Narwhalz (of Sound)
Longmont Potion Castle
Neon Navajo
+ DJs Kyle Mabson and Vice Cooler
9:30pm / $4.20 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Echo Park
See you there!
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