Monday re-cap: Perfection?
It’s kind of hard to define anything as “perfect” in the less than ideal world we live in. But last night’s show came tantalizingly close…
Physical Forms, which I always expected to be great, was super duper amazingly awesome. Co-headliner Nicole Kidman (Jon Barba) had the whole audience in the palm of his hands from the first second until the last. The three openers—the satanic/fun Generation, the Hendrixesque Dimples, and the impressively tuneful So Many Wizards—set the aesthetic bar high. All the music and DJ Kyle were wonderful.
Of course we had another great audience…take a look for yourself. I think even in the still images you can see the excitement. Thanks for the exceptional night!
I have played So Many Wizards on KXLU, but I had never experienced their hypnotic rock ‘n roll love rays in person. After their magnificent opening set I never want to miss another one of their shows—they were that good.
Dimples did the Hendrix/trad r ‘n r thing with panache and what more can you ask for? It was jarring to hear avant drummer Dalton Blanco back-up such a straight ahead band but I liked it!
Boys on chains, secret ceremonies, lambs for the slaughter… that’s Generation. These guys were like Coven meets Gwar and let the record show that I am 666% for that.
Jon Barba aka Nicole Kidman was just back from tour. Like many musicians who are coming right off the road, Jon had a new focus and edge that was palpable. Everyone in the audience was just thrilled to pieces and I think it’s safe to say he made some new fans this night.
Watch a new Carnage mini-documentary on Nicole Kidman now
Physical Forms was just spectacular. They had tons of drums, a fucking amazing lead singer (Busdriver… yeahhh!!!!), and Jeff Byron sounded great on guitar and keys. Marcus, Kevin, Marty, that light bar that looked like Spree candies…all were cookin’. I had to include more than one photo here—but you still need to see the whole gallery.
Jeff Byron making adjustments.
These guys looked like they were having so much fun.
Read an exclusive interview with Physical Forms
Thanks very much to Kyle Mabson for the dance party, Mikhai Tran and Fred Kiko and Deseret for the door assistance, Pehr for the use of the space, and everyone who attended. It doesn’t get much better than this…Or maybe it does?
Find out this Monday:
Sean Carnage presents…
11:45 NASA Space Universe
11:15 The Emotron
10:45 Terraform
10:15 Stag Bitten
9:45pm Okie Dokie
with DJ Kyle Mabson
Doors at 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
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