Interview: Kyle Mabson blazes with new 31-band Sublime compilation
Mabson Enterprises. Fearsome mega-corp? Or Mad Men-era investment firm? In reality, it’s the Bandcamp compilation album label by music legend Kyle H. Mabson.
Mabson Enterprises’ newest release: a 31-track tribute to Long Beach’s finest ’90s band, Sublime, called Sublime at Home.
And it arrived just in time for “420.”
Call him DJ Big Gulp, DJ Coffee Shop, DJ D Shot, DJ Papa Scroach, DJ Pretzel Dix, DJ Sack O Hats, or DJ Vegan Share the Road—Kyle’s been mixing up genres, styles, wrestling and noise both as a DJ and a performer for years now.
And let’s not forget his famous Instagram.
Recently, Kyle’s Mabson Enterprises—home of many infamous multi-artist tribute comps—reactivated with a call to our creative communities trapped by Coronavirus. This is what it said on Facebook (which was a Drudge-style siren ‘cuz Mabson don’t use the FB):
Oh hey Facebook motherfuckers. Times are weird and stuff like that and if you are like me you got a lot of time at home and you are looking for stuff to do. I used to do that whole Mabson Enterprises thing. If ya don’t know I would post on social media like “give me a cover or remix or interpretation of this song or any song from this one band or any song from this genre etc etc” and give everyone a couple weeks to send me then songs then would post ’em up ‘n everyone would be happy and blah blah blah.
ANYWAYS I feel like right now may be a good time to do this again? I wanted to ask n see if ya’ll he any ideas? Any particular song? A particular artist? A genre? What ya think? Maybe make it and any money can go to feeding America or world health organization or something like that? Down to hear from ya’ll and I assure you this isn’t an April fools post (I wouldn’t have typed out this much if so) LMK
The folks who responded are a who’s who of SEANCARNAGE.COM favorites (Poingly, Treasure Mammal, tik///tik, Geoff Geis) plus new(?) artists too. It’s hard to tell with these Mabson compilations. So much mystery. Full track list at the end of this post.
In any case, everyone pitched in and, voila!, Sublime at Home was born. It’s consistently inspired and, dare I say, the best Mabson Enterprises compilation to date.
Take a listen—and read the interview below while you do:
Hey, Kyle—congrats again on the new release!
It’s been awhile since Mabson Enterprises released anything. What have you been up to?
Oh boy yeah it’s been four years. Been making a whole bunch of dumb shit all over the Internet.
Why a new comp now—why Sublime At Home?
I stopped because getting all these together and uploading them and reminding people and emailing them back when they sent me the wrong thing and taking stuff down when they messed up and wanted me to put a different thing just took so much time and was just not worth it. But obviously at the moment me and a lot of other people have a lot of time at home and a lot less to do than usual so I decided this would be a good thing to do to have something for folks to do. Decided sublime would be good because 4/20 was coming up and seemed appropriate.
Do you have any good Sublime stories that involves their music from when you were growing up?
Being a millennial that grew up in Southern California, Sublime is part of you whether you like them or not. Did definitely love them as a child but can’t really think of any good stories.
Are there any tracks on this comp that we should keep an ear out for? Which ones do you love the best?
Everyone should check em all out! There’s a lot of different kinda stuff on there. They all make me happy because I’d hope that they were a positive process for everyone in this dumbass time
These comps and your art—they have a well-established aesthetic at this point. What do you call it—do you have a name for what you do?
Haha can’t say that I do. It’s funny to me that other people are interested in this shit that I kinda do just for me because it’s funny and interesting to me
Covid is a bummer. What keeps you going and what are your hopes for after this ends?
I miss seeing people and going places but I’ve been staying busy. Working on music and art and walking daily and working out. Kinda having a schedule has made it okay.
Final question: what’s your favorite Sublime song?
That is a tough one but anything where they get horns going so I can really get skankin’.
Note: On May 1, 2020, Bandcamp is once again waiving their revenue share to support musicians during the Covid crisis. Please consider supporting Mabson Enterprises & all other Bandcamp artists. Every $ you send that day goes directly in their pockets.
Mabson Enterprises on Bandcamp
Follow Kyle’s @selfies_food_and_pets on Instagram
Read an ancient interview with Kyle—it’s a classic
The Gotye comp still sounds fresh
Want more? The Carnage archives have so much Mabson…
Sublime at Home complete track list
1. Joel Kynan – Wrong Way
2. Logan Terkelsen – Santeria Hardcore
3. Uncre – If it wasn’t for edat aepr, i’d never
4. Logan Kaye Jung – Viva la Raza or Rome and All His Friends
5. UC Santa Cruz Marching Band – Mids Is What I Got
6. Poingly – Doin’ Time
7. The Cold Ovens – Greatest Hits (Nightcore)
8. Greenday With Reverb
9. Chaz Kangas – I Am A Romeo
10. DJ Two Stacks – WHAT I GOT BLEND
11. dj mdmHEY – Waiting For My Ruca
12. Bill Dewald – Santeria (D1000 Gabber Mix)
13. Large Talons – Caress Me Down
14. white dudes with soul patches – sex or weed or something? I dunno
15. Kenan Bell – Summertime in LBC
16. Treasure Mammal – luvswutigot420@aol.com
17. A Guy Called Gene – Santeria
18. Bipoland – W3R3 0N1Y D13 4 0UR ARR0GANC3
20. Bart Fawkes – Caress me Down, You Clown
21. Pink Frosty – Same In The End
23. Terrance Pryor – What I Got
24. tik///tik – RUA BadFish 2
25. Josiah Hughes – Santeria
26. Common Since Medicine – 40oz to Freedom
27. Geoff Geis‘s iPhone featuring Siri with Rome – What I Got
28. Murphy Thelaw – April 20, 1992 (Los Angeles)
29. Bubblegum Octopus – What Seed?
30. Baby Ginseng – Badfish (8bit version)
31. Cradle of Chillth – Quarantine Age Wasteland
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