I’m so excited for Monday’s show!
Thanks everyone who tuned in for the Carnage Media Blitz this past Friday! Here’s a brief re-cap:
Demolisten (on KXLU-FM) was the first appearance of the night. Click here for superb host Octavius’ blog—he’s got video and more from the program.
I played the following tracks: Kyle H. Mabson “Don’t Stop Believin’,” Tik///Tik “Go Before,” Kevin Greenspon “Del Tecate,” Mad Happy “Oozing Franken Prophetic,” Boris Karloff “Punky Chips Ahoy,” Good News for People With Credit Problems “Suicide Manual,” Foot Village “Crow Call” (Anavan remix), and The Widow Babies “Lincoln.”
Next up was DJ’ing at The Smell. The performers were fantastic, and they really inspired me. I wish I had a playlist of what I was spinning, but I forgot to write it all down. Thank you very much to Michael for asking me to DJ—what a treat!
Now, it’s back to Pehrspace—I hope you can check out this week’s concert. It’s one of the most wide-ranging I’ve hosted in while…
Monday, March 16th
Sean Carnage presents…
Madd Happy
French Quarter
The Seizure
Hello My Name is Red
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there?
Enjoy all the new photos posted below!!!
this event sounds cool. i’m definitely gonna come stop by. never been to perhspace, but i’ve been meaning to check it out.
rad props always