Il Corral’s Turn The Screws Fest is freaking incredible.
The night got started with awesome videos. I really like the ones by Todd Novasad, Christopher Cichocki and Tarantism.
Then, the live music began. First up: Grux from Rubber-O-Cement bashing around with an 11-foot pole thingy. He went outside, attacked cars, photographers, and, when he came back in, the members of Bastard Noise. That resulted in a shouting match with the Bastards and cries of “Faggot!” etc.
Although this violent outburst unsettled a lot of people, really, if something crazy hadn’t happened right away, Turn The Screws Fest would have been a boring affair.
No danger of being bored at Il Corral!
Kilt was awesome but I ran video for them so I couldn’t take any photos.
Bastard Noise orchestrated brooding, taut, haunting noise and soundscapes for about 20 minutes.
I got kinda wasted at this point and I forget the names of all the bands. I had an ozone treatment from Dr. Willy’s Nerve Clinic. Christie tried it, too. I feel surprisingly great today, despite my partying and having a cold. Ozone works!
Moment Trigger was all hair and awesomeness. I think they may be my favorite of the whole night.
AMK slayed, as usual, with four record players and umpteen dozen flexi-discs. They really jam, and they look like they are having fun, too, so they’re highly entertaining to watch.
The last dude I got to see before I got a ride home was The Widow. If I mis-identified photos, please send me a msg: sean@seancarnage.com
Don’t miss 40 BANDS 80 MINUTES! tomorrow at 6pm.
Tonite’s Turn the Screws schedule is white-hot and you KNOW there’s NO WAY I’m gonna miss vegan pancakes and Beach Ballz tomorrow at brunch.
Enjoy the photos. I’m gonna see XBXRX early this evening with Richmond, but I will meet you at the Corral later on. Cheers!
Rubber-O-Cement from Oakland
Behind the curtain! Rubber-O-Cement’s inner workings.
It was really hard to photo Grux. The only way I can describe his costume is imagine the trash in the Star Wars trash compactor scene getting up and walking around.
The destruction moves outside for a bit…
After the idiocy…
Bastard Noise
Christie & Omega
Carnage in Dr. Willy’s (Portable) Nerve Clinic
Christie and the good Doctor
Twig Harper
Moment Trigger
The Widow
Saturday, December 16th
8pm noise videos
10pm music
Aaron Dilloway (Detroit)
Michael Gendreau (SF)
Tarantism (Oakland)
Pulse Emitter (Portland)
Honed Bastion (Portland)
SIXES (Oakland)
Dimmer (SF/LA)
Skull Sküll
Deep Jew
Unicorn Hard-on
Seed Pod Pals
Obstacle Corpse
Josh Taylor’s Friends Forever
Sunday, December 17th
12pm vegan pancakes $1
1pm music
Bacteria Cult
Unnecessary Surgery
Vegan Murderers
Argumentix (Portland)
God Willing
40 BANDS 80 MINUTES! screening
8pm music
Guitar Quorum (Philly/LA)
Wanda Gala & Bob Bellerue
Brooke Smiley & Adam Overton
Dog Shit Taco w/ Dog of Tears Orchestra
Treasure Mammal (Phoenix)
Haircut Mountain Transit
Jeremy Drake
Hop Frog’s Drum Jester Devotional
Liam Mooney’s “OK Audience” (BRING ITEMS and we’ll play them, anything goes but be reasonable)
Il Corral, 662 N. Heliotrope Dr @ Melrose L.A. http://ilcorral.net
I need my mediated fix of pictures from the other two nights of turn the screws