Get ready for a trippy Monday at Women! Plus: new photos of 60 Watt Kid, High Castle, Skull Kiss, Garrett Pierce, and Italic Indian!!!
Wooo…so much to tell this week.
First off, my July collabo with 60 Watt Kid (aka the “Summerdelic Tweakfest”) got off to an incredible start! The Kid was on fucking fire, burbling and bubbling through an almost continuous set of the most trance-inducing electronic rock you could ever hope to hear. They are unleashing new music every Monday this month so DO NOT MISS THEM!! Think about it…Krautrock groups like Neu! are worshipped today, but were woefully unappreciated when they first came out. Now, all we have is the records. 60 Watt Kid targets similar spots on the ol’ brainpan…don’t be foolish and miss them now…this is the future classic shit!!!
Last Monday, we also heard Oakland’s High Castle—another future classic that we’re lucky to enjoy NOW. Singer Erin Allen used to be in Child Pornography, but HC is a rock band, and they take Erin’s often high-pitched vocals and blow them up to immense proportions with some wildly intense/monotonous rhythm. This is one of my favorite bands going, hands down.
Skull Kiss may have seemed to some to be a wild card on this bill (I guess they kind of were), but their love of ’50s and ’60s pop has a direct connection to the Kid’s post-pop soundscapes. Burgess and Nacho were totally wild…I…I don’t even know how to describe the mayhem. All I can say is, if you were there you will probably never forget their performance (I surely won’t).
Garrett Pierce is a great songwriter and performer—and I emphasize “performer” here—because unlike a lot of other solo acoustic guitar players, Pierce is serious about getting his songs across. There is no tossed-off, amateur chicanery when he plays. He’s got the skills and the voice and he knows how to use them to create a powerfully moving musical experience. I was impressed.
Italic Indian is, in some ways, the younger noisier doppelganger of the Kid. This duo layers sounds and rhythms into a sparkly/prickly heap that engulfs the listener. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy until I realize…I’ve got one thousand little needles poking through my eardrums into my brain! Aargh! Funny thing is—that didn’t hurt at all…
In other news, this past week Sean Carnage Mondays got feature treatment in L.A. Record! Check it out.
I also created a podcast of underground L.A. music that I am very, very proud of. Many thanks to all the bands who let me virtually DJ their songs…You can download it or listen online by clicking here.
Additionally, Octavius and Fred Kiko had me on their iconic radio show, KXLU-FM’s Demolisten, this past Friday. I played tons of new underground jams and tried to spread the word about the music. Octavius and Fred rule!!!!
You can read our playlist, listen, and even watch the show (which also features the incomparable Widow Babies) by clicking here.
This Monday, I’m truly excited to be hosting the 60 Watt Kid once again. In addition, we will have stellar support from Protect Me, Tearist, Moment Trigger and Wah Wah Exit Wound (from Seattle). I think all the bands play off each other in a very hard-edged psychotropic way…So guard your cerebellum, tit’s gonna be a trip…
This Monday, July 13th
Sean Carnage presents…
60 Watt Kid
protect me
Moment Trigger
Wah-Wah Exit Wound
Starts 9:30pm sharp! / $5 / all-ages
At Women—1852 Crenshaw Blvd., in Arlington Hts.
See you there?
Enjoy the photo barrage below (courtesy of moi and Mikhai Tran) featuring (in order) Italic Indian, Garrett Pierce, Skull Kiss, 60 Watt Kid, the “Do your best Erin Allen imitation” contest, and High Castle. Enjoy!
Italic Indian
Garrett Pierce
Skull Kiss
60 Watt Kid
“Do your best Erin Allen imitation”
High Castle
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