Gathering of the Juggalos, Day 4 & 5: Hammer Time!
Oh have we got some great stuff for you to listen to.
Like, a wicked Juggalo explaining clown culture.
Listen (mp3): Crazy Rockwell’s clown rant
D-tox is going full throttle. He might have even lined up a job at next year’s festival. He’s uploading the rest of his pics here.
MC Hammer pulled D-tox on stage to dance with him! Holy shit Hammer was the bomb! D-tox also caught the Wolfpac’s 4AM show… hot… this band blurs that fine line between music and porn, like the band website is a porn website, and it’s like one of the dudes from the Bloodhound Gang, like just see for yourself.
The Gathering is half over and it feels like it’s been weeks. Every muscle hurts. Sleeping outside and walking in this heat is brutal. Can’t drink enough H2O to stay coherent. We are scared to take showers, so we stink and itch instead. Crazy azz 5-inch stick bugs crawling all up on us in the tent. $9 Turkey legs rule! The Port-O-Potties are some next level shit, as in up and over the toilet seat!
It’s impossible to catch everything… we haven’t seen half of what we had wanted to see. The schedule is confusing and events are running like two hours late. So we wait, a pile of frustrated Juggalos impatiently chanting and throwing Faygo and getting more aggro every minute. Got hit in the head with a 2-liter. Got hit in the chest with a chair. Here are some Juggalo chants:
Listen (mp3): juggalo chants
All three of us took a direct shot from a phat ass water balloon on the morning train—although the cold water felt rad in the heat, man, H2O is no good for cameras and computers. This train is a school bus with the top cut off and every surface on this bus is covered in Faygo—every person on the bus is covered in Faygo—so fucking sticky…. and sweet. Juggalos were shaking up cans, stabbing them and waving them wildly. Oh yeah, here’s some audio from train ride:
Listen (mp3): juggalo morning train ride
We caught Kung Fu Vampire’s song “Dead Girls Don’t Say No.” Then Kev-In-Rock bought a Wolfpac T-shirt that says “It’s Not Rape If It’s Dead.”
The Legends of Wrestling was some geriatric shit. But motha fuckin’ Hacksaw Jim Duggan still has it !!!! A Juggalo offered this Juggalette a shot o’ booze. He asked her if she had a boyfriend. She said, “Yes, but he hits me sometimes,” then they got their fuck on right there in the bleachers—basically on top of us, rubbing against our legs. It was gross.
LardOG and Kev-In-Rock changed the flat tire preparing for their quick escape. The sudden thundery downpour that filled the tent with mud on one side sealed the deal. LardOG and Kev-In-Rock abandoned D-tox in the thick of it and went and saw Final Destination 5 in a nearby town.
Leaving the festival was a mess of piggy checkpoints. We heard a rumor at the gas station that three trucks full of DEA agents were on their way to break it up, but they’re gonna need more than that.
For more exclusive Juggalo camp photos go here
Each day, return to SEANCARNAGE.COM for exclusive reporting from performer Kevin Blechdom(aka Kev-In-Rock) and her companions D-tox (musician/photographer Dalton Blanco) and LardOG (aka Captain Ahab director Lawrence Klein) as they trek across America to the 12th Gathering of the Juggalos.
Finally—the conclusion to this wild motherfuckin’ adventure
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