Friday: Last IE show, Treasure Mammal, & more
Margot Padilla’s IE has been the soundtrack for so many of the very best nights these past years. But after this week the project is no more. I asked Margot why. Her answers are below.
I hope to see you at the show. It’s a fundraiser to fight HIV and you can ride your bike (free bike valet).
Hey, Margot, why “IE’s last performance in LA”—are you really stopping performing and recording as IE?
Yes I will not record and/or perform as IE any more for eternity.
Why stop now? What are your reason’s for shutting down IE?
The idea of doing the same thing until forever is not fun sounding to me. When I see someone doing the same dance move and perform same song when they were 18 and they 70 year old I think that it’s kind of insane. I dont think my brain can really enjoy doing the same thing over and over again without being a tiny bit kooky. I’m kooky but not kooky to keep repeating myself over and over and say YA THIS IS WHAT I LIKE! Haha I feel looney tunes when I play the same song like I’m repeating like I’m Ground Hogs Day Andie McDowell in my mental brain. I guess i want to move forward do something new?
Also my last show I play a house party in Fontana, CA the city in which I hail from when I came out of my mother and long story short it was cool and make me cry tears of joy to see everybody in the crowd singing along to IE songs and yelling IE QUEERS! IE QUEERS! and dancing so nasty and just feeling so free I thought I DID IT! I made it to see the day that the IE has very proud LGBTQ youth singing along and feeling confident because thats something I never saw before where I grew up and was hoping would happen one day when I started performing with this project. So I mean I accomplish something making music for all people to dance and feel good to and now someone else can rave through time hopefully im sure lots of dance dance revolution style producers like me out there that can keep it going in that similar fashion. DIY rave differently sexually orientationed open to all species getting along chillin just living their life day to day movement of having a good time music regionally based out of socal desert area specializing in DIY venue rager events. Simply put.
This is the “final LA show”—does that mean you have other upcoming shows not in LA?
Of course I have to play last last show in the I.E. that would make the most sense to me because that was where I play my first show buuuut I still wanna play LA last time because come on that was I got my big chance to change to move to LA to have many friends that are nice to me and particularly you were so friendly and interested in my creative activities and im very thankful for that! I really started to spread my wings and fly via Sean Carnage Monday Nights starting with Totallymag! zine and then IE you and the LA rageaholics really made it happen for me really pumped me up to keep doing my thang thang! Very fun moments in history.
Will you be continuing to make music and perform after IE?
I will indeedy. I like to make tunes what can i say?
Please recap how you formed IE, where, why and when….?
I started IE after the band I was in Prayer Partner broke up because I was just getting into performing and recording music publicly and I wasn’t ready to stop. So I made my own music to perform instead of waiting to form new band cos that would take ever too long. I called it IE because its goofy to name yourself that its like being named Chicago or LA River haha. Being so proud of where you from is funny and because the universe it belongs to no one and also funny because IE is not a place that most people say they from. Rockstars from IE say they are LA I guess less confusing but also because IE not that fancy as LA better for press and press well… press to impress so I just call myself IE save people the trouble of getting to know me if I’m fancy. People ask me if my name means this or that I just say yeah whatever. Haha. I also like to make mad beats in my lab and its science and its also math problems and its really hard and no one should try it because you basically just can’t do it.
What have the high points of IE been for you?
All the tours in which I toured with friends like Laco$te, Whitman, John Thill. Many funny stories about nothing. The IE cover show was pretty crazy I didnt see that coming. I think the project overall was a high point not just because I was extremely high for most of it but because there wasnt a goal it didn’t have anything to live up to a Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol it was just like okay sure ill have fun why not?
What about the lows?
When I blew all the gig money at the track that was hard on my drummer. And when the guitarist OD on mescaline I really thought it was over. I woke up like what happened? Is everyone okay?
What have been the craziest gigs you have played over the years?
I played with some goats i played on a semi trailer hitch. I played in like 30 garages i played fancy hotels basements bedrooms living rooms, kitchens, just anywhere that someone can be I pretty much have performed there. I’ve played for like lots of fans of the other bands I’m playing with thats really cool because you get all the crowd without having to actually have that many people even know who the fuck you are and pretty much not care that you are even there so thats good.
What have you learned via IE that you will never forget?
To bring all my cables but i still forget uhm try to use a good cable not a crappy cable. EBT is good for tour except when you leave the state. so stock up! The people can watch me twiddle my doodads on YouTube for free so just have fun with the audience and dont worry if I mess up because its not as obvious as I think. They paid money to be in there might as well go and hang out with them. Be a part of the fun.
What songs will be part of your final set?
Some new songs from the new album, the hits and some deep cuts for the heads.
Are you excited about your app with Naomi Elizabeth? Tell us more about that?
I’m excited because I’vve been programming this for a year and its not easy to do. It’s going to be a series of apps. The first one is a 2D game its all Naomi’s art work I did the UI art work but all the other graphics are hers 100% and it has music and SFX that we did ourselves and other cool interactive features plus it’s a game that forces you to be a girl character only, which is rare I realize. The other apps are bundled together more of a fan app you get a lot of cool features different ways to interact with our music and art and us virtually! I didn’t realize at the time but I was like I SUCK! I’M THE WORST PROGRAMMER and then my girlfriend was like but you programmed 6 apps in one and I was like OHHHHhhhh thats why its taken me this long and it was hard I didn’t realize that apps usually do just one thing and I had made one huge app do many many things. Even though it hard. It’s fun to figure out how to get things working like a puzzle or something and then you feel like you so cool! Like you really made a difference but really you just sat in a chair and contributing to people shorter and shorter attention span OH WELL!
What else are you working on? Are you excited about the future?
I working many many things its hard to keep up with my own interest but I having fun. I dont know if I excited about the future I can only think a few months a head at most. But it seems like next few months will be cool if i live to see them I could just drop dead right……………beeeeeeep………j/k I’m still alive.
How do you want IE to be remembered?
I actually don’t so there’s this device i want you to stare into right here and all it does is erase your memory not a big deal. Haha gotcha! I dont have that device so you have to remember it just by thinking about all the goofy times you saw me sing “Party in the 909” and pretending I was Britney Spears.
If there’s one thing that sums up IE, what would it be?
Please join us this Friday, April 24 at Pehrspace 9PM
Concert Extravaganza & ALC fun-raiser to fight HIV
I.E. (the retirement set)
Treasure Mammal
Weird Women
Acid Dad (Ryan Powers…acid house with no computers…bbq video and people at the beach)
Fantasy Boy (Peter Moran Nitzer Ebb with smooth singing)
Adult Release (Mabson…edmsmooth ‘90s white dude rap)
DJ Sich Mang
DudeCock.com new SICH MANG/SHAMS split lathe cut will be available
Free secure bike valet
Raffle prizes
Learn about ALC and beating AIDS
Starts 9:30pm sharp / all-ages / $10
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd, in Historic Filipinotown
Presented by Pehrspace, Wheely Nice Guys, Sean C. & DudeCock.com
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