Final Monday photos: Thanks for your support—I love you!
1/6/14: Final Monday Night show and final Pomona Rib Cookoff featuring Naomi Elizabeth, Upsilon Acrux, Rococo Jet, Ssleaze, Kid Infinity, The Comedy Stylings of Peter Moran, VJ Wes, DJ 333Boyz, DJ I.E., DJ Marijuana Weed, sound by Drey Saether plus final DJ set by Kyle Mabson at Pehrspace.
This was it! Ten years of non-stop, Monday Night shows reaches the final destination. 500 back-to-back weekly concerts. All curated by my brain and a whole ton of friends and collaborators who deserve tons of credit. What a pleasure it was. We all made new friends for life. We heard and participated in so much creative music and performance. Life changing. Life affirming.
So why the heck was I so exhausted?
Well that’s because while I did take approximately fourteen weeks off over that decade, that’s less than two rest weeks per year. Heck some years I took no Mondays off and got zero rest. That catches up with you. It definitely caught up with me. I was worn out, man! Time for a change of pace. I love the art and sacrament of repetition but sometimes you gotta take your foot off the gas. Change is good too. Try something new.
This last concert was, quite appropriately, one for the ages. And I didn’t take too many photos. Hugs and community were more important on this night.
Consequently, I do not have great documentation.
Will you please contact me if you have photos you can share?
Thanks in advance—I really appreciate your support. This whole endeavor was a love letter to the L.A. underground. I’d do it all again if I could!
PS. This wasn’t really the end. I continued to present monthly Friday night shows at Perhspace for two more years! I wasn’t ready to quit yet after all.

Naomi Elizabeth

Cock Block
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