“Every show was amazing”: Monday Nights to retire January 6, 2014
In 2005 I began holding concerts every Monday Night. I wanted to present the best cutting-edge music that Southern California had to offer. We got all of that and more. Flash forward ten years: Pehrspace—Monday’s home since 2007—is chosen “Best L.A. Venue”—along with the Hollywood Bowl and the Troubadour. Uh what? Wow!
So it’s with a not-inconsiderable amount of emotion that I announce the retirement of Sean Carnage Monday Nights at Pehrspace. Weird coincidental timing but also perfect. We just had one of our best years. Pehr is humming along nicely. We’re all going to keep helping out at Pehr so no changes there. But more weekly booking for me? I’m done with that for awhile. I hope you understand.
I don’t think I’m bragging when I say that every show was amazing. They really were thanks to you.

Great music / great friends. From Il Corral to Pehrspace you made Monday the best.
Check it out—the full press release. Thank you, Pehrspace.
Pehrspace, a volunteer-supported art space in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles, would like to announce the transition of longtime booker Sean Carnage from weekly shows into a planning and monthly booking role.
“It’s been an incredible ten years of Monday music, but now it’s time for a break,” says Sean Carnage. “We started in 2005. Back then it didn’t seem that the shows—which were stylistically mixed-up on purpose—would ever last more than a couple weeks. Thanks to you, we lasted ten years. So many bands got their start in L.A. at Monday Night shows: Skin Town, Health, Dan Deacon, Future Islands, Schwarz, Juiceboxxx, Nosaj thing, clipping, IE, Nicole Kidman, Corima, and over 800 other bands and performers. It’s been an incredible run and I’m so grateful for all the support and the great music. It would be sad to say goodbye to Monday, except we did it and it was amazing.”
“This last year has been one of our best so we bow out on a high note. We’ll close things with a grand finale at Pehrspace on Monday, January 6, 2014. Line-up to be announced.”
Who would you like to perform at the final Carnage Monday?
“Pehrspace is my favorite L.A. venue and a real community,” Carnage reports. “I’ve been fortunate to be a part of Pehr since 2007, and that will continue. I’ll be booking special monthly events, connecting Pehr bookers with artists, hooking up a video system, and helping with space development to support the bands and artists.”
Carnage credits much of his booking success to longtime collaborators Kyle Mabson, Mikhai Tran, Chris Payne, William Burgess, Peter Moran, Jon San Nicolas, Richmond Tan, sound crew Drey and Sergey, video artist Wes Johansen, and Demolisten / KXLU plus stalwart performers like Laco$te, Robin Williams On Fire, Birth!, Lucky Dragons, John Thill, Harassor, Captain Ahab, Anavan, Whitman, Abe Vigoda, The Amazements, Manhattan Murder Mystery, NASA Space Universe, Moment Trigger, Upsilon Acrux, Foot Village, Kevin Greenspon, & the Mae Shi (among many many others). “I’ve been really lucky to work with so many great artists. Now it’s time to re-charge and work on new events at the space.”
Artists interested in exhibiting at Pehrspace should contact pehrartshows@gmail.com. Bands and other performers should submit links to their music to pehrbooking@gmail.com.
“Pehr and I share the same reverence for the artists and the audience,” Sean Carnage says. “I’m really excited to help produce new kinds of events there. I’m helping to assemble some new teams. If you have the commitment, Pehr needs you—please volunteer.”
Pehrspace continues to look for volunteers to join its community—to run door, to do sound, to keep our space beautiful, to take photos, and help with all the various tasks it takes to keep Pehrspace running smoothly. If you’re interested in lending a hand in 2014, please contact pehrvolunteers@gmail.com for more info.
Sean Carnage will not disappear after his successful 10 year concert-booking project. “My personal top priorities right now are: taking a break, checking out new music, relaunching my web site and videos, and L.A. Lottery League, which is a rad community event where we draft Los Angeles’ top players into random groups. We did Lottery League in 2011 and it was a huge success. More 2014 details to come.”
“What an amazing adventure this decade of Mondays has been,” says Carnage with a smile. “We presented some wild new music—noise, rock, punk, hip hop, techno, experimental—and we all connected with so many amazing people. It’s been an honor and a pleasure. Thanks, Pehrspace, and thank YOU. We will keep getting together and keep discovering great new music. But waking up Tuesday morning won’t be quite so agonizing. It’s been a blast!”
Remaining Sean Carnage Monday shows:
Monday 12/9 – Parallax Beach, Intimatchine, TV Crime Lords, Beru, $5
Monday 12/16 – Sons Of The Bitch, Federation X, Church of Sun, Select Sex, $7
Monday 1/6 – Final Sean Carnage Monday Show! Line-up TBA. Give a shout out to your favorite Monday band
All concerts begin 9:30pm sharp / all-ages / at Pehrspace 325 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90026
For more information on Pehrspace and its upcoming events, please check out Pehrspace.org. You can also friend, fan and follow Pehrspace on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.
Have a great holiday season and see you at the final shows?
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