An incredible show caps an incredible first year back for Sean Carnage Fridays!
It’s hard to title these concert photo posts.
These pics—from the Solar Wimp, Wryngwyrm, Tricky Youth, SAZA, Vitamin Wig C and DJ Kyle Mabson show at Oracle Tavern this past Friday, December 9, 2022—have left me sifting through a whole stack of potential headlines, such as:
“Unholy hell: SAZA’s new line-up is one of the best bands of the past 30 years”
“Tricky Youth rides the ‘corpse paint continuum’ from gutter to glory”
“Wryngwyrm: real deal art makers that will surprise the un-surprisable”
“Solar Wimp: breaking brains while they break up the band”
“I was a choo-choo dancin’ fool for Vitamin Wig C”
“Simply THE BEST concert I ever hosted”
Every single one of these is true.

I’ve heard a lot of music in my time but SAZA has a unique vibe I’ve never encountered before. They’re unquestionably swaggy, powerful, musical. Also: wild, evil, extreme—yet still rock ‘n roll. What more can you ask for? Photo: Carnage.
It’s gratifying to know that some of the very best music being made in the world right now is being made here in Los Angeles. Our scene is more than alive—it’s throbbing with a new energy. The players are so smart—and they are fucking going for it. I would not underestimate the L.A. underground right now.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who played, all who attended, my husband Ryan for helping (he also took the photo at the top of this post), Taylor for bartending and all the support, Jennifer Tzar and Oracle for providing a forum for all the great music, and of course Nora Keyes for asking me to do these bookings (Nora’s been ‘curating the curators,’ you see).
Sean Carnage Fridays return to Oracle on February 10, 2023. I’m taking January off.
Keep up to date on the Shows page
I need your help!
Could you please let me know some great new (or old) bands to book in 2023? What’s really blown your mind in the past couple months? Who’s an old favorite you’d love to see again?
I appreciate you, always. Now please enjoy the photos. See you in 2023!

Solar Wimp is (L-R) Jeremy Kerner, Mark Kimbrell and Justin Brown. All photos: Sean Carnage.

Jeremy’s the ‘leader’ by dint of being the longest-term member but Solar Wimp is a definitely a band, not a solo project… Photo: Carnage.

…That’s because all three Wimps—like Mark on drums—are super dynamic players, jumping from background to foreground in milliseconds. Photo: Carnage.

Justin Brown—another sick player in a trio of accomplished musicians, who like to get real weird. Photo: Carnage.

I will miss Solar Wimp, but they have one more album coming out so—there’s that to look forward to. Photo: Carnage.

Wryngwyrm on this night was Luisa Coats (R) and her friend מוֹשִׁיעַ. They weren’t so much Black Metal as ‘absent of light’—like the dark when the moon is hidden… Photo: Carnage.

I was impressed with the Wryngwyrm album, but what they did at Oracle totally caught me off guard: deeeeep trance Jew Harp OM music from the depths of inner space. WOW! Photo: Carnage.

I loved the suits—it added gender ambiguity, as both players had, generically-speaking, similar long hair, glasses, etc. Photo: Carnage.

Luisa methodically coaxed the most unholy noises from a broken guitar. She never gave up. It was mesmerizing. Photo: Carnage.

Tricky Youth was monumental—astounding. Photo: Carnage.

Tricky had this very ‘hard’ surface persona, but the music belies such vulnerability… Photo: Carnage.

Then there’s SAZA… holy SHIT! Photo: Carnage.

Watching SAZA I felt like folks felt when they heard the original King Crimson in 1969—a scary blast out of hell that penetrated my soul! Photo: Carnage.

SAZA (L-R): Hazel Rigby, Harley Hollenstein, Will Wright Kreppel, Asher Price. Photo: Carnage.

Just when you think things couldn’t get any better… Ladies and gentlemen, Vitamin Wig C! Photo: Carnage.

Vitamin Wig C’s Robbie Hansen is, without a doubt, a musical genius. Photo: Carnage.

I guess Robbie was improvising? I’ve never been 100% sure where Vitamin Wig C music ‘comes from.’ Photo: Carnage.

I was dancing 99% of the time so no pics of us doing weird dances like the ‘choo-choo’ Vitamin Wig C invented on the spot. Wonderful wonderful wonderful! I was floating two feet off the ground at the end of the night… Photo: Carnage.
See you in February!
Stay up to date with the details on the Shows page
Metal, schmetal: SAZA is “like, totally medieval”
Vitamin Wig C invites music fans to ‘fall in love in the Uncanny Valley’
Tricky Youth activates your ‘inner freak’
Wryngwyrm: ‘Black Metal for lonely girls’
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