There’s an amazing interview with Dan Deacon in today’s daily Variety and online (with writer Matt Kivel), and he has a lot of great things to say about L.A., Kyle Mabson, Pehrspace, and the Monday Night show I hosted for him and Health last summer!
Kudos to Dan, Kyle, and everybody who turned out for that show… Woo-hoo!!!
Check it out (I excerpted some of the interview below)
Q: What do you think of the LA music scene? Do you see similarities between the artistic community you are a part of in Baltimore and the tightly-knit collection of bands here?
DAN: LA is just so massive. It’s hard to compare a city like Baltimore with LA, but I think what’s going on in LA is wonderful. They have a great collection of venues and a really strong, supportive community of people. Also, Kyle Mabson is there, so it’s of course the best. Community is the most important part of anything. The most important aspect of the DIY and independent scene is the community it breeds. To a lot of casual “members of the scene” shows are just a place to meet people and get laid or be “seen” but to people who devote their lives to it, it’s a lot more. It’s about bringing people together and being proud of our city, neighborhood and the people who inhabit it. I know this sounds really dorky or like I’m giving the piece sign while cumming on a tree, but it’s true.
Q: At your El Rey show earlier this year you chose Health and Abe Vigoda as openers — bands one wouldn’t normally associate with the type of music you make — do you think pairing disparate bands on a bill makes for a rich and more rewarding concert experience?
A: Weird, I would think my music would be associated with theirs. I guess I’m made out to play dance music in the press, but all of my shows starting up were with noise-based bands. While our immediate sounds are different, I think we are based in a similar root idea. That idea being expanding upon pop music with large levels of dissonance and arhythmic sounds over a steady rhythmic pattern. I do think a diverse bill makes for a better show, but again, I think the only thing making my music so different from Health’s is the perception the has been attached to it. Health and I have been playing shows for years. It still blows my mind that people say I write dance music. Sorry, I’m venting. I think your question is valid, but I just disagree with thinking that we are vastly different bands. I think it’s weirder when I play a show with just DJs. Health and I played a show at Perhspace in June of last year before either of us were very well known. It was awesome. That was one of my favorite shows. I guess the main difference is that I play music you can “dance” to. Most of it isn’t dance music and I don’t think most people dance to it, they move around really fast. I don’t know, I can’t really see what’s going on when I play. I have the worst seat in the whole room.