Da Mudd Duck crew yucks up Sancho; Plus, see the new documentary

Clubs come and go in Los Angeles, but Mike Locker and Trenton Willey’s mash-up of noise musicians and comedians at a soul food joint on Crenshaw, aka Da Mudd Duck (the place was inside a popular billiard’s hall) won’t soon be forgotten. Fortunately booker Mike Locker is bringing his crew to L.A.’s Got Talent: Comedy Night at Sancho in Echo Park tonight.

The grease may be gone, but the jokes live on.

Watch the new Carnage video SOUL FOOD, STAND-UP & NOISE: A Night at Da Mudd Duck

Da Mudd Duck reeked of talent amongst other things. The cheap food was totally Cleveland (read: African-American/deep fried), so I could relate (yum). The comedy bizarre. The music—consistently the best in town.

I was so sad when the club shut down.

Now—through the documentary above & at L.A.’s Got Talent: Comedy Night tonight—you can re-live the glory.

Here’s what Comedy Night curator Mike Locker has to say about the comedians performing:

Rick Shapiro
“He’s a comic genius and a loose cannon. Rick is the best comic in L.A.”

Trenton Willey
“Needs to stay out of trouble. Second best comic in L.A.”

Todd Baker
“Got talent. Will do anything.”

Dave Sirus
“Because Sean asked me to book him.”

Watch a brand new Carnage/Sirus doc HATE EVERYTHING

Joseph Larkin
“He has performed at many Mudd Duck events and is always great.”

Don Takano
“The most sexual man in Los Angeles. We love him and he loves us back. Trenton and I have known him since our days in Chicago and now, serendipitously, he joins us once again.”

Brett Gilbert
“He is funny.”

Allen Strickland Williams
“Dry as gin.”

Eric Dadourian
“I like his voice. Trenton is a fan.”

Luke Pennington
“Nice last name. Once again Trenton is a fan.”

Jared Whitham
“He is amazing! Great talent and outlook.”

Travis Mcfarland
“I have a crush on him.”

Plus there will be music from Cole Miller (Human Hands)

Don’t miss out on this extravaganza…

THURS 8/11 9pm $10 (includes bar):

Image: Sam Lubicz + Liam Morrison

You’re gonna shit yourself laughing, so bring a mop! Comedy instigator Mike Locker has recruited some real funny guys to perform this night.

Curated by Mike Locker

Stand up from Trenton Willey, Rick Shapiro, Todd Baker, Dave Sirus, Joseph Larkin, Don Takano, Brett Gilbert, Allen Stickland Williams, Eric Dadourian, Luke Pennington, Jared Whitham, Travis Mcfarland, more.

Musical performers: Human Hands + Dirty Disk + keepbullfighting

Plus DJ Baglady

RSVP for Comedy Night

Download & print the flier

Starts 9pm / $10 (open bar for 21+)

Sancho—1549 W. Sunset, in downtown Echo Park

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