L.A.’s Got Talent says “Thanks!”
Nothing like L.A.’s Got Talent had ever been tried in Echo Park, and it turned into a massive success.
The core of the show was 11 original artworks featured on the front of CONCERTPAGE, L.A.’s free DIY art + music show guide.
Enter your events before 8/31 & get in the new issue.
Now we say thanks to the many many who participated, and re-cap the fun with photos. And did you know we’ve been held over for another month?

Over the years I’ve had soo many art student and artist friends, but never have I directly participated in the staging of a group show until this summer. All I can say now is: I empathize fully. That was a ton of work!
Fortunately, we had three aces in pocket: L.A.’s Got Talent co-curators Sam Lubicz, Liam Morrison, and Nika Kolodziej. They chose the artists and hung all the artwork, and were focussed and fast and had a brand-new point-of-view. They brainstormed and inspired the whole thing. Great job, my friends.
Also doing the greatest work (and looking AMAZING in combination with each other I must say) were the artists: Lou Beach, Kat Harvey, Nika Kolodziej, Sam Lubicz, Kyle H. Mabson, Brendan Morrison, Liam Morrison, Gary Panter, Christopher Payne, Jean-Luc Unger, Wayne White, Dalton Blanco, Isaac Ledesma, Dagenhart Brown, Kat Genikov, Ajax Hulce, Brooke Rollo, & Ryan Wade.
Albert Ortega helped with the lighting, and Sancho‘s Dani Collins and Raven pitched in and were indispensable (duh, they gave us the show—thank so much!). Walt Gorecki loaned us his projector and dico lights. Thanks, mang.
Live entertainment was provided by Leah Peah (who’s cosmic set—I’m convinced—set us on the right spiritual track for everything that followed), DJ JCiocci2000 (picked up right where Leah left off vis-a-vis inspiration), “The Comedic Stylings of Peter Moran” (ragin’!), Jon Barba (who drove “home” all the way from Oakland), SFV Acid (who showed off the raddest new beats), and Precious (the Morrison bros sounding more synthetic than ever before).
Craig Calman, Mikhai Tran, Angie Meng and Charles Mallison took pics. You rock!
Narin Dickeron loaned lights (so did Alan Tofighi, Mabson & Josh Taylor) and was just generally fabulous. PBR supplied the drinks. Stephe Sykes let us use his practice PA and that was such a huge help!
Colie, L.A.’s Got Talent’s assistant programmer, compiled all the names/photos/artist bios, so we had a gallery binder, just like the pros. Thanks, Colie!
(If I left anyone off this list or the ones below I apologize in advance…Let me know and I’ll make a revision, thanks.)
Check out the official photos—8/4/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Opening Night
Read about Opening Night in L.A. Record
Vice Magazine also previewed our show
See an exclusive video of Jon Barba
FRI 8/5

This was the funnest! I mean—look at that (above)—that’s Demolisten host Fred Kiko chillin’, broadcasting from the East side, smoking a smoke, outdoors, having a blast… Fred’s supported so many bands—and me—it was great to see him having fun with what we were doing.
Maki Tamura and Cristina Fuentes were our producers/engineers and they brought the awesomeness of KXLU with them. I felt like I was at home, even though we far from our usual spot. Thanks, guys!
Music was by Whitman and Geoff Geis (who’s set was amongst the very best of his recent Princess performances). Bachsung and others turned out.
Vlad the Retailer generously hooked us up with a screen and ink, and Christopher Payne led a screen print demo that led to many wonderful shirts being made (Liam Morrison created the design).
Mikhai Tran helped everyone make friendship bracelets, and Rob Wilkinson showed us how to make a contact mic for virtually no money. Yay!
This whole night, however, was created to give special attention to two groups of friends who are genius puppeteers and performers: Dirtbike Puppet Theatre and Three Chairs Theater Company. This night they didn’t have to share bills with rock bands (which they ably do), they both had plenty of space, and they SHINED. Like diamonds. Really gorgeous stuff. It was hard to photo but here ya go…
Check out the official photos—8/5/11: L.A.’s Got Talent: Craft Night
Read about Geoff Geis’ Princess
Whitman’s tour kickoff is this Monday, and he has a new video!
Watch an exclusive new video starring Vlad Retailer
Learn about how screen printing can change your life
Get the deets on Fred Kiko and Demolisten
Tune in to KXLU 88.9 FM every Friday 6-8pm & hear the best new unsigned music
SAT 8/6

I’ve known William Burgess for so many years it seems, and he never ceases to impress. This was his best film show ever, and you can see everything he played on DVD.
Burgess, despite being primarily a film guy, also has a second career as a musical provocateur. He didn’t perform this night, but his friend Vitamin Wig C did, and I was so impressed. He’s kind of like soft grooves with some light scat singing on top. Jazzy!
Not too many photos but here they are (it’s hard to photograph a film fest lol):
Check out the official photos—8/6/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Druid Underground Film Fest
THURS 8/11

Oh man…people freaking, mics being broken, drunks commandeering the show, piss drinking…onstage. Welcome to Comedy Night.
This event—masterfully curated by Mike Locker and Trenton Willey—was very simple in its design but ended up being so mind-expanding and avant-garde, I don’t think anyone knew what hit them. Comedians are who we want to be—channeling pain into laughs. “Life hurts, man, so now I hurt you with jokes.” Ouch!
All these men are geniuses: Rick Shapiro, host Todd Baker, Dave Sirus, Joseph Larkin, Don Takano (respect), Brett Gilbert, Allen Strickland Williams, Eric Dadourian, Luke Pennington, Jared Whitham, Travis Mcfarland, DJ Baglady, Cole Miller (Human Hands), Dirty Disk.
Check out the official photos—8/11/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Comedy Night
Watch the brand new Carnage/Sirus collabo, HATE EVERYTHING
See Mike Locker, Trenton & the crew yuck up Da Mudd Duck
Read about music maker (& funny man) Cole Miller
FRI 8/12

Amy Darling totally captured Totally Gay Night in her photo above—I absolutely adore it.
This was the funnest night, watching the magic dust open friends’ eyes and enjoying some really beautiful vibes with Myles Cooper (could be the artist of the new generation, and the world doesn’t even know it yet), DJ Total Freedom (who was so cosmic ripping out jams from a carpet on the floor), I.E. (a fantastic set from Margot Padilla, who also danced wildly for the other acts—you rule!!!1), Essay (on fire), and Roses Jade Camellia (who set the stage for a night like no other).
Totally Mag has been and will continue to be my inspiration. Thanks, everyone, for a truly spectacular soirée!
Check out the official photos—8/12/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Totally Gay Night
Read about Margot Padilla, I.E. and Totally Mag
Amy Darling is an amazing photographer
SAT 8/13

So this started off kinda rough (thanks Mike Locker, and then Todd Baker for rescuing me), and I do apologize to everyone who came to the first screening sesh. You guys were troopers and I hope you loved what you saw. Soon enough things (aka the computer/projector combo) were under control and we screened all the wonderful featured video makers: Vim Crony, Tookie Binky & Melvin Butel, Dalton Blanco, Albert Chang, Octavius Poirer and Adam Papagan. It was such an honor to screen your videos. You’ve been doing this longer than I have, and I’m humbled that you took part.
At the end, I played a new video about Poweraxe and then the band jammed. Maybe it was just because we were drinking Clamato ‘n vodka at the end of a long day, but I felt so super high as Brian and Ryan laid their spaciest music to date on us in the gallery. Bravo, my dudes.
Check out the official photos—8/13/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Video Matinee
Watch the new Poweraxe documentary…”Follow the truck!”
SUN 8/14

This was another amazing day, where folks turned out for the aforementioned video makers/geniuses (see the Video Matinee roster above) in numbers that stunned me, I guess L.A. is a “moving picture”-kinda town for real.
After two packed-beyond capacity programs screened inside, we moved outside where we premiered the Karen Centerfold documentary trailer by Xenia Shin.
Look for that here in the coming week. Regardless of your feelings about Karen Centerfold, prepare to be amazed.
We also screened the L.A. Lottery League movie for an absolutely wonderful and generous capacity crowd. The video is an experiment in crowd-sourcing an entire feature and I was grateful for so much help with this. This was a rough cut—stay tuned for a fine-tuned, turbo-charged version coming in September. You guys are so cool—thanks for experimenting and letting me do the same.
Check out the official photos—8/14/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Lottery League / Karen Centerfold Premieres
Learn more about Lottery League
THURS 8/18

Touring vegan chef Joshua Ploeg did it again—I hope you got to taste it. No black magic was used on these dark morsels. It was just some hardcore (like, it was over a hundred degrees in the kitchen!) preparation and cooking.
Heartfelt thanks & wonderment for: Josh, Will and Brooke, Dani for the kitchen, Nora for the portal, and all the banquet guests for their talk & company.
The music by DJ Don Bolles was superb (as always).
Happy bday once again, Jillian.
Check out the official photos—8/18/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Black Banquet w/ Chef Joshua Ploeg
See him in L.A. in September on the “Dinner & Bikes” Tour & taste the hype
We got a preview from Quarrygirl.com who we ♥
FRI 8/19

I’m no chef, but I do know the recipe for a perfect show: start with Your Mom/Your Dad (like Harper Valley PTA meets Amanda Lear), add two shakes of Two-Real (realllly good house DJs must…get…more…asap), bake with Biodemonix (pretty much lives up to his name), add a heaping tablespoon of Kroyclub (the Southbay is happening—awesome!) and DJ Jenny, a pinch of DJ Maxwell K., and finish with Captain Ahab (YUM).
Mary and Eli deserve particular credit for the success this night. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Amy Darling again took pics (like the one above), so did Homar Velous, amongst others.
Check out the official photos here—8/19/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Fashion Night
Read about Mary & Eli Chartkoff & their musical marriage
SAT 8/20

For the last night the joke seemed to be on us….but it wasn’t 🙂
I think we turned things around on the cops by having an absolutely kickass Closing Night right in front of their DUI checkpoint (complete with iron bench equipped with manacles) in front of the venue entrance.
We ran lean and clean. The crowd was wild, but nothing salacious was happening. Unless you don’t like grooving!??
There was a lot of that: DJ Kyle H. Mabson (*just* back from hosting Abe Vigoda at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs), 333 Boyz (new performance style was cool), International Friends (total ear candy love it), and Pink Dollaz (all-dancing, all-rapping) were all so on the beat and on the money.
Check out the official photos—8/20/11: L.A.’s Got Talent Closing Night
Thank you for reading this post and thanks for supporting L.A.’s Got Talent and CONCERTPAGE.
See a mini-version of L.A.’s Got Talent at Sancho through 9/26.
Please buy an ad or some art & support CONCERTPAGE
List your own shows. Print for free. CONCERTPAGE.ORG.
Deadline for the new issue is this Thursday 8/30 11:59:00 PM
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