Come celebrate 20 years in L.A. with me & a bunch of gnarly bands
Time… she flies!
Twenty years ago I was preparing for what seemed like years for the move to L.A. Wrapping up all my unfinished business back in Cleveland, Ohio.
Now I’m an Angeleno—bona fide—with a house in South Central and everything.
I’m selling the Peter Steele nude Playgirl to help pay for our new home
I love my adopted city! To celebrate, I’m hosting a freaking amazing bill of bands that harken back to my earliest, most formative years in Southern California.

Here’s me & the legendary Don Bolles shortly after my arrival in Los Angeles twenty years ago (note that I’m wearing a Wäntage Total Fest t-shirt, at which Federation X played… connections). Photographer: Unknown.
RIG and NOÏ both feature members of 400 Blows, who were my absolute favorite band when I moved to L.A. in 2002. NOÏ ROCK also has Bill Badgley, of Federation X, a Speak In Tongues alum, on guitar. Bill is featured in the new Speak In Tongues book. This guys is cool!
Read my post about Speak In Tongues, the literary experience
I actually played with Federation X years ago at Wäntage Total Fest. Bill also directed the awesome KARP documentary, Kill All Redneck Pricks. (They sure do love CAPITAL LETTERS and ümläüts up north, eh?)
Read an exclusive interview with Bill Badgley from 2012
Paul Lai is a font of avant-garde knowledge and a freakin badass on guitar—and at life! Paul leads another SoCal favorite all-time group, Upsilon Acrux. They of the skull-crushing math / prog brutality.
See every Upsilon Acrux post from over the years
I love the music these individuals make. Why not put them on one super-bill?
When they suggested their pals A Lovely Sort Of Death from San Pedro, I thought, well, that sounds like an even more killer show to me.
Just added: Special guest DJ Dizparity aka Po Cheng Yeh from Taipei, Taiwan working his magic before, during & after the bands.
I’m so proud to be hosting this bill.
Show starts 8pm / $10 / 21+
Oracle Tavern, 1640 N. Spring St. on the edge of Chinatown in Downtown L.A. (across from Los Angeles Historic State Park).
See you there?
Get the full concert details on the Shows page
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READ: The 100% True Story of How I Met Don Bolles
9 Shocks Terror’s SoCal tour with Tony Erba & Jim Konya changed my life
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