I was hit with a tidal wave of energy when Richmond and I arrived at the Smell for Kyle Mabson’s superb show with Health, Fag Bashers, Tik//tik, Robin Williams On Fire and Cock In Black. The place was raging. The bands and the packed-in audience were tearing shit up. For real. It looked like a riot.
Sidenote: I am shooting video with my camera now. Consequently, at the Smell on Saturday I was unprepared without good back-up batteries and my camera crapped out before Health 🙁
In any case, Health was AMAZING!! My rock chromosone prevents me from ever lying to you about such things. So if you haven’t seen Health, you need to go, search them out and witness one seriously great band!
Enjoy the photos…
This is what I walked in on: TOTAL PANDEMONIUM!
Cock In Black was in full effect… somewhere under the pile of humans!
Confusion? Ecstasy?
Total audio immolation!!!
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