Cleveland in Los Angeles photos! Duvalby Bros. with members of Biblical Proof Of UFOs at Cafe NELA

It’s always a thrill seeing old friends from my old adopted hometown of Cleveland, Ohio in my new adopted hometown of Los Angeles, California. Especially when they’re onstage, bringing the house down in the way only Buzz Boron and Joey Shipman of the Duvalby Bros. can do!

Buzz and Joey were joined by a former Duvalby—bassist Ray Piller—as well as another old Cleveland music scene mainstay, Mike Peffer (brother of Steve Peffer from 9 Shocks Terror, Pleasure Leftists and my old band, Razak Solar System). Consider Mike a Duvalby cousin because he drummed on some 21st Century Duvalby recordings and was a member of Cleveland scene compatriots, Biblical Proof Of UFOs, along with Joey and Ray. Ya follow?

Here’s what I said about this night on social media back when it happened:

Duvalby Bros. and their music have really stood the test of time. Classic! Part of an amazing show last night that blended Cleveland and LA folks who are part of an incredible musical continuum. Feeling uplifted.

The night ended with the most spectacular lunar eclipse I’ve ever seen. Fitting in many ways. This would be the last time I would see Buzz Boron (RIP).

Here’s a video excerpt I shot of the band in action:

Buzz Boron, Mike Peffer, Joey Shipman

Buzz, Joey, Ray Piller

Buzz, Mike, Joey, Ray

Here’s pre-gig rehearsal footage of an all-time Cleveland classic: 

The Duvalbys played newer material too—sounds great, I think:

Duvalby Brothers singer Buzz Boron has left us a legacy of incredible music

Check out the 1996 release party for the Duvalbys’ classic Sleepytime Medicine Band at the Euclid Tavern

See more of Duvalby Bros. & your favorites from the Cleveland rock scene at this classic 1996 showcase

Hang with the U.S. Rocker crew at South By Southwest 1996

I skipped the last Nirvana show to book my first concert with Craw & Boulder at the Euclid Tavern!

Watch ’90s Cleveland bands & more on my YouTube (please subscribe)

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