A decade of D.I.Y. now online: The complete Monday Night photos, dates & performers
This fall marks the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of Monday Nights, a weekly “do it yourself” underground music concert series which for ten years was propelled to ever-higher aesthetic heights thanks to the support of countless friends, performers, artists and attendees.

Waiting for The Internet, Pehrspace, January 2013.
People tell me Monday Nights were legendary. I would agree—these were the most inspirational years of my life. I made so many lifelong friends thanks to these shows. If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you did too.
Now for the first time I have compiled a list of every Monday Night and related events—all 471 of them.
View the full Monday Night data—it’s never been online in one place before.

“Yeaster” theme night, Il Corral, April 2006.
During Monday Nights’ long run, 1,265 artists, performers, bands, comedians, DJs, VJs, MCs and more did their thing on stage.
Radical inclusion and artistic boundary-busting was what it was all about.
When you add in repeat appearances by the performers, we are talking about an astonishing 2,219 sets here—averaging six per show. So much fun.

Abe Vigoda, Il Corral, September 2005.
Our artistic community certainly was and is overflowing with talent and creativity.
Everyone should be proud of that vitality.
Please remember that if you ever feel down—you are part of something that’s unique and impressive.

The artist Buff Monster & friend at the Monday Night test run, Il Corral, July 2005.
The venues
The very first Monday show was an invite-only test run with DJs, Jell-O shots and videos from my colleague and friend at Hustler, director Eon Mckai, on Monday July 25, 2005.
We kicked things off for real the following week—August 1, 2005—with something closer to what became the Monday Night formula: a half dozen new bands or performers drawn from all genres, mainly L.A.-based but with touring friends mixed in (like Treasure Mammal from Arizona pictured in the photo at the start of this post), mashed together into what was billed as “the best of the cutting edge.” Our venue was the now-legendary Il Corral near the corner of Melrose and Heliotrope.
Click the ‘Il Corral’ tab at the top of the Shows List page to see event dates & photos from each.

The New Collapse at the Re-Penetrator release Party, Il Corral, September 2005.
Yes, this is the Il Corral you’ve heard about. The one with the indoor rope swing. The all-night partying. The nasty pit of a bathroom.
This venue was a hole-in-the-wall former sweatshop hidden away behind the bougainvillea between Penn Jillette’s Sacred Fools Theater, legendary VHS rental spot Mondo Video and Pizza Paul’s Italian restaurant.
Today the flowery vines have fully covered the former Il Corral entrance. “What we do is secret”—indeed.

Explogasm at Il Corral, 2005.
But Il Corral was not the only early Monday venue.
Other now obscure party spots like Zamakibo and Prestigious House Of Vermont also played host.
Later, Women House, The Smell, Dem Passwords, Sancho and many others gave us space.
The ‘more’ tab on the Shows List page links you to photos from these venues & more.

Kid Infinity, Pehrspace, September 2009.
One thing I can finally reveal here is that in order to create a temporary autonomous zone in which maximum no-rules creativity could flourish, I rented the venues for every single show. I am eternally grateful to our host venues for allowing me to do this.
Creative space ideally should be portable—no should own it, and no walls or venerated history should limit it.
By staying independent, but supportive of our communities, we show that art can flourish outside institutions.

Award-winning actress Bai Ling cutting loose, Pehrspace, November 2011.
Another revelation for you: we did all these shows without professional security.
When I was growing up in the punk rock 1980s, I noticed that the mere presence of outsider black shirt security dudes sparked violence and unrest in otherwise peaceful crowds.

Good times at the Il Corral, August 2005.
Rent-a-cops never understood punk rock or D.I.Y. And security guards often led to scrutiny by real cops who I’ve watched club and drag my friends for no reason beyond freaky dancing to a noisy-sounding band.
So we banished the cops and proved my point. In ten years we never had any serious issues. Everyone remained safe, no authorities necessary.
Thanks for understanding and for looking out for each other and our host venues.

The Blank Banquet at L.A.’s Got Talent, Sancho, August 2011.
Probably the venue most people associate with Monday Nights is Pehrspace, and there’s no wonder—347 of the shows happened there.
Pehrspace was a magical spot.

Bespoke finger-crocheted bracelets: a Monday Night tradition, Pehrspace, September 2011.
The Pehr parking lot was our playground in the heart of Los Angeles. With stars above and skyscrapers standing tall in the distance, watching over us.
The ‘Pehr’ tab on the Shows List page takes you to the shows & photos.

Most-booked Monday Night performer, I.E. (aka Margot Padilla), Perhspace, April 2009.
Performers & participants
With all the data compiled here are the most-booked Monday Night bands and performers of all time:
Top 40 most-booked artists & performers (# of appearances)
1. I.E. (26)
2. Whitman (25)
3. Anavan (22)
4. Captain Ahab (21)
5. HEALTH (18)
6. Jon Barba aka Nicole Kidman (18)
7. Laco$te (18)
8. The Amazements (18)
9. Moment Trigger (17)
10. John Thill (16)
11. Abe Vigoda (14)
12. Bizzart (13)
13. Kevin Greenspon (13)
14. Knight Rider (13)
15. The Monolators (13)
16. Alexis Gideon (12)
17. Foot Village (12)
18. NASA Space Universe (12)
19. Tik//tik (12)
20. BIRTH! (11)
22. Creekbird (9)
23. Foot Foot (9)
24. Juiceboxxx (9)
25. Robin Williams On Fire (9)
26. The Tleilaxu Music Machine (9)
27. Treasure Mammal (9)
28. The Mae Shi (8)
29. Corima (7)
30. Cristopher Cichocki (7)
31. E&E (7)
32. Essay (7)
33. I Heart Lung (7)
34. Manhattan Murder Mystery (7)
35. Narwhalz (of sound) (7)
36. Realicide (7)
37. The Pope (7)
38. The Seizure (7)
39. Voice On Tape (7)
40. Warm Climate (7)

Kyle Mabson, most-booked DJ, Pehrspace, February 2010.
Most-booked DJs / VJs (# of appearances)
1. Kyle H. Mabson, aka DJ Big Gulp, DJ D Shot, DJ Dog Dick, DJ Mabolous, DJ NA, DJ Papa Scroach, DJ Pretzel Dix, DJ Reverb Lite, DJ Sack O Hats, DJ The Dirty Mop, DJ Vegan Share the Road, DJ xMondayxNightxRawx (400)
2. VJ Wes (8)
3. Margot Padilla (6)
4. DJ Big TV (4)
5. DJ Marijuana Weed (4)
This one is not super surprising—if you ever attended one of these events, you already know that Kyle Mabson owned the mixer and was one of the main drivers behind Monday Nights’ long-term success. (Sack O) Hats off to you, Mr. Mabson.

Eric Andre & DJ Douggound (Doug Lussenhop), Pehrspace, March 2010.
Most-booked comedians (# of appearances)
1. Cock Block (30)
2. Trenton Willey (3)
3. Andre Hyland (2)
4. Eric Andre (2)
5. Rick Shapiro (2)
6. The Comedy Stylings of Peter Moran (2)
7. The New Dreamz (2)

Chef Joshua Ploeg and Narin Dickerson, Sancho, August 2011.
Top chef
Chef Josh fed us with love on innumerable occasions, and rocked us too (check out his bands Warm Streams and Select Sex).
Top moviemaker
Burgess screened his own films, brought us the earliest incarnations of his still-running Druid Underground Film Fest, and brought down the house with Skull Kiss. A supporter from the beginning. We love you, Burgess.

The “Curse of El Topo” multimedia performance with William Burgess, Il Corral, January 2006.
I often say that every single Monday Night show was the best event ever, and that’s the truth. How remarkable is that? 470 consecutive shows and they all kicked ass. It’s the greatest thing I’ve ever been a part of.
Note: I am missing photos of some of the shows. Do you have the photos I’m missing?

Cheers! Sam Chives, Joshua Ploeg & Sean Carnage, Sancho, August 2011.
Final word on this… there’s no finality! We can’t go back in time or dwell in the past, but we can bring those good times and good friendships into the present with us.
I hope if you enjoy the Monday Nights show list you will share it.
Until we meet again at some far-out happening, much love to you. And hit me up if you’ve got something for me to listen to, or if you just wanna say hi. I miss you and would love to hear what you’re doing!
-Sean C.
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