Internet premiere! 9 Shocks Terror video EP & “Cleveland Thrash Salad”
Long before there was “Pornogrind” (which is for losers obviously), Ohio—my Ohio—was known for anti-authoritarian rock ‘n roll and hardcore punk that could make you thrash around and get all those anti-social feels out in a healthy and wryly good-natured way.
The Cleveland thrash bands, many of whom included an Erba or two, made great music. There’s no qualifying the power and sophistication of these bands.
They were the next logical next step from ’70s dinosaurs like Uriah Heep and Mountain crossed with ’80s heavy punk and Japanese weirdness. They told the de-evolution of the Rust Belt with music. You know, the “classic era” collapsing into chaos and then hammered by incomprehensible outside forces…AND SURVIVING.
This is a musical success story: the tunes have stood the test of time.
But where to hear them? Where to see them?
I spent some time on unemployment this summer so I decided to convert my old VHS and make the videos available online for the first time.
These two I’m publishing were created by 9 Shocks Terror singer Steve Peffer, previously of Razak Solar System and lately of Hausfrau Records and the excellent Pleasure Leftists, and distributed in very limited quantities.
Now I am sharing them with you…
9 Shocks’ “Lean Steve” gives us the breakdown on this circa 2001 video:
At the time I was messing around with making mini video collages and replacing the audio. I really wanted to incorporate more weird shit into the band and this was an early attempt at that.
00:00 – “Adjust Me.” Video is some kinda “How to Paint” video I used to have. I was acquiring lots of oddball videos then.
00:57 – That’s Gibby (huge influence on me then) from live Butthole Surfers recording.
Video is of a guy talking about how Metallica are the “Phantom Lords” sent here from the “Last Planet”. I believe the guy in the video is named Jason Peterman.
02:38 – That’s from a stellar Sun Ra film named Joyful Noise.
02:42 – “Total D.I.S.M.A.Y.” The video is from ‘84 doc STREETWISE about runaway kids.
04:21 – There’s a glimpse of 9 Shocks at the Smell in L.A.
Cleveland Thrash Salad
Okay, I made up the title here. This absurdist video collage (also from 2001 or thereabouts) was slapped on the end of a Razak Solar System live VHS—I’ll write about that one sometime soon.
This really is a work of art and deserves its spot in the sun.
Steve explains what we’re seeing:
00:00 – Get Mugged at Amherst college early ‘00s
02:34 – Ruiners at the old Grog Shop. Early ‘90s? Tony Erba grabs the mic and yells, “DANIEL CARVER!” He was the KKK guy on Howard Stern.
05:20 – 9 Shocks terror with Jim Konya just hanging on Wedge’s kit. Wedge is just drunk talking shit on the mic. Wrestler schtick.
05:34 – Darvocets in Kent early ‘90s
07:30 – More Wedge drunk wrestler schtick
07:37 – H100s “Panic Attack” at Gallery Cafe
10:16 – This is 9 Shocks doing Mobile Terror Unit—no clue where/when… prob golden era of like 00-01
12:03 – Gordon Solie Motherfuckers at SIT
15:01 – Celtic Frost
15:30 – Inmates in Matt Grayer’s basement fucking around wrecking the place. Early ‘90s.
If you enjoy what you see, please follow Carnage Video on YouTube
There’s tons more coming soon!
Read about & see 9 Shocks Terror at Cleveland Punk Fest, 1999
Read the oral history of the legendary U.S. Rocker‘s early years, 1989-93
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